

#1 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Ok - so inlight of the 'new beggining' annoucement i thought it would be a good idea if everyone communicated what was the most important aspect of their characters.

Just to help the owners detemine if they can do something to appease the huge popularuty of this annoucement.


#2 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

hmmm, that would by my biceps.... yeah...

#3 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

So ill kick of by saying...

The most important thing to me, above all else, are my levels.

Rob me blind, strip me naked, and ride off on my mektoub with the keys to my apartment, but dont take away my hardwork lol


#4 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

After the people I got to know:

1. The reminders of past events and other people (bit less than 20 items, the titles from events/missions, the encyclopedia entries and the plush gubunny in my apt)
2. All skills I've got on 150+ (not that many in relation to the time I've played - 2 fight skills, 2 main magic, heavy armor and desert digging and I wouldn't mind them being cut down to 150)


#5 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I'd be happy with name/looks/lvls/fame. I'd add special titles to the list.

For the record, if we absolutely have to re-roll please don't drag it out for 2 weeks. Unless mayhem and complete anarchy is desired.

#6 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I'm happy with name/looks (tatoo/hair)/and well special titles might be fun

Rather not turn back with fame as a marauder rite will be impossile at start so wouldn't be able to enter any town except marauder camp and wouldn't be able to buy anything in marauder camp since you need to do rite first (shop/trainer/app/guild/GH/...)


#7 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

1. Data, such as mailbox and guild forum contents. I know how to save this stuff using WebIG and so does anyone else who has read my post on the subject or figured it out themselves, but no matter what there are still going to be a lot of people who come along later and find that personal messages and reminders of good times were wiped away if/when characters were deleted.

2. Special titles.

3. Items, because of sentimental value. The q40 staff crafted by Varo, the tokens from long-past events, the q110 autolauncher crafted by KasDimOjin, the swords crafted by Haldir, etc.

4. Character appearance. I have screenshots of most of my characters' appearance settings, and if not that then I have good screenshots of their faces, but I bet a lot of people don't and they will probably not be able to recreate their characters' exact appearances. That'd be an awful feeling, having to settle for a face that's not quite right.

5. Fame. That's hard to rebuild, especially for Marauders. And it is a significant part of many characters' identities.

6. Skill levels. I for one don't exactly care about the work I put into them. What I do care about is the fact that each skill level has memories attached to it and each skill means something to my character. Jelathnia was always a two-handed sword wielder first and foremost, but forest foraging was important too and so was the healing she learned alongside Soleca and Alurach. She learned gunnery from KasDimOjin. All her non-forest foraging levels were gained in group with guildmates and friends.

Now, you might say the thing about memories is that they exist in your head no matter what, but I know too well that that's not quite true. My memory is poor and every time I log into Ryzom I am fondly reminded of things I had forgotten. Some of these memories are brought forth by things that will not change as long as Ryzom lives, such as Atysian locations. But many others are only brought forth by things you propose to delete.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Jelathnia (1 десятилетие назад)

#8 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I'd have to say that the most important thing about Bittty is his ability to help others, either in melee, ele, healing, or crafting. The increase of those skills is what drives me to continue, and also to leave some of my skills deliberately LOW (in melee and magic especially) so that I can team with newbs without nerfing them.

The desire to help (which I share with my "sister", Mitzymacod) cannot be taken away, but the ability to do so effectively would be removed if my levels were removed.

I can get my appearance back easily enough. I have a few chattels that I love, but have never been that attached to mementos either in game or IRL. The OP that Drama Free owns clearly has to be freed up in any merger and I won't miss it a lot. But my skills, and the knowledge I got in gaining them. That is important.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#9 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I'd be happy with name/looks/lvls/fame. I'd add special titles to the list.


I'd add player webig data, key binds, and hotkeys if possible.


~~Merchant, Wayfinder, Tracker~~

.:WorldofRyzom.com:. | G'Morning Atys Music Mix | -

#10 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

You can keep your keybinds, map markers, and other interface settings (such as window positions) simply by copying the files in the "save" folder inside the Ryzom installation folder. To transfer them to a character with a different name just change the name specified in the filenames. Keep a secondary backup of these files in case of mistakes or other problems.

Last edited by Jelathnia (1 десятилетие назад)

#11 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

You can keep your keybinds, map markers, and other interface settings (such as window positions) simply by copying the files in the "save" folder inside the Ryzom installation folder. To transfer them to a character with a different name just change the name specified in the filenames. Keep a secondary backup of these files in case of mistakes or other problems.

In addition to that:
If you copy your "keys_CHARNAME.xml" to the data folder and name it "keys.xml" you'll get your preferred key bindings on ALL new characters per default (no matter how you name the new char) ;-)


#12 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I agree with the author of this subject. If you must rob me blind of all my material possions and wealth, but I beg you please do not wipe my levels.

#13 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I think the most important thing is my undies. If i get to keep those i will be happy.

#14 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

yeas back ups of the save folder is always good. did not know about the default settings trick though! I hope they don't go changing the basics like file formats and such. ..

One other thing i'd like to see 'make it thru' would be our apartments with our event furnishings, thats history that is. Reminds one of past events and happenings in the world. I really don't see the point of trying to wipe all that off the face of Atys. Like the mega boss yubo fights in Nexus. Would be sad to see our apts emptied...


~~Merchant, Wayfinder, Tracker~~

.:WorldofRyzom.com:. | G'Morning Atys Music Mix | -

#15 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I think the most important aspect of Sherk is her name and fame... and I'm not talking about faction/civ fame. I'm talking about the fact that whenever I log back in, people remember her name and welcome her back, send her invites to hunting parties or treks. She is known as a good trek bodyguard and hunter, and a generous homins that doesn't mind giving or trading away the stuff she doesn't use if she happens to have what another homin needs. She is liked by all factions (despite being crazy) as she doesn't hold grudges about whatever happens on the battlefield.

I was but a months old newb when Sherk was already starting to be aknowledged for being helpful to others, when people started remembering her name on Uni. I want to tell the other newcommers that it is perfectly doable to make a name for yourself (in a good or bad way) depending strictly on how you interact with the other homins of Atys. You can be as famous or infamous as you want, it is but a matter of time.

It's a player dependant skill (like sneaking) that has no level attached to it, but it is probably THE aspect of my character that made me most attached to her and kept me coming back again and again even when RL kept me away for lenghty periods of time.

Long live the Crazy Marshmellow Lady ! Sherk will not be Sherk anymore if she cannot tank the baddies on treks and save everyone's butts with her master heals... and craft some grind jewel sets for the little ones.


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles
Last visit Вторник, 18 Февраля 19:12:29 UTC

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