

#57 [en] 

Everyone keeps stating that third party software is banned by the Code of Conduct and yet I do not find such language anywhere in the CoC. I also do not find anything about the control of multiple characters manually or with software assistance anywhere.
Again I think this is good for your business but I also believe that it breaks the rule of conduct you posted for all to read, items 10 and 12.

I can only find two sections labelled 10 and 12:

These don't address the issue and are likely not what Ganix is referencing. The Naming Policy has 13 items but clearly cannot be what is being referenced either. The only other possibility that I can see is the Code of Conduct section.

You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running Ryzom and on any Ryzom Services or Winch Gate Property Limited Services.

Jamming a button on two keyboards in no way changes the transmissions to or from the servers. The same would be true of software that allows remote control of multiple computers.

You may not exploit any bugs in Ryzom and you may not communicate the existence of exploitable bugs (either directly or through public posting) to any other user of Ryzom but report it to Winch Gate Property Limited.

None of what you are describing can considered a bug exploit. Is it a bug that multiple people can login from the same IP? I sure hope not as I'm the father in a family of six and all but my wife plays. We often are online and play at the same time.

Is it a bug that one person can control multiple accounts at the same time? There's a Ryzom program switch specifically for that! /multi If the game executable has a command-line switch specifically for dual boxing then it also cannot be considered a bug. There are even directions for running multiple clients on one computer in the old official (which are, if I am not mistaken, still considered official but just old) forums.

Other MMORPGs encourage their players to use multiple toons, why? Others have already stated that it generates more revenue and what else is a company in business for? What about those players who A) love Ryzom but don't care for the social interaction of a live team or B) Are on an international server (Aristople) but cannot be online when anyone else is online?

Finally, there is a distinction between an Alt and a Bot. An Alt is one of multiple characters in direct control of one player. In other words, the character acts directly because of the player's physical action. Ryzom allows Alts, as proved by the /multi program switch.

A Bot is a character which automatically, no action required on the part of the player, responds to the game environment. Other MMORPGs allow and support Bots, characters scripted to automatically respond to the game environment. Ryzom does not allow nor support Bots.

I know of a player who found a way to Bot dig (Bots are actually quite hard to create in Ryzom due to the nature of the macro system). That player was given a temp ban. Yakapo (player is a co-worker of mine) has found characters at respawn points mindlessly throwing nodes, evidence of unattended Bot digging. He has warned such players of the consequences.

Both Yakapo and I were HOs of DCP under Final. We both learned how to organize teams then and how to make the most of the macro system. I can press a single key faster than once per second, anyone can, and if that key is mapped to a macro that targets my team spotter's target (Target an entity's target) and then runs shortcut #3 twice, I will hit my team spotter's target with magic sometimes before my spotter does. The spotter has to select a target and then press/click the spell/attack but I only have to spam my macro key. By the time the spotter begins his attack, I am already casting. I watched DCP melt NPCs using this technique. I can do this and have only a little over 60 days in game. Yakapo has over a year in play. He's had plenty of time to refine working as a team and also running a dual box.

During the OP wars yesterday, I had six members of GoZ on follow, guild chat was a flutter with how exciting the wars were both when we were wiped and when we wiped the attackers. Guild members who didn't have the required TPs were chomping at the bit. When I looked back, I had a mass of homins trailing me both in and out of team. Not one of them were bots. If we were a nuke pod, I'm sure my name would be listed with Yakapo and Nitrouss but we were not a nuke pod, we were a nuke/heal pod.

On a final note, everyone says that the CSRs have never investigated your claims. That is incorrect, although you may not know it. I know for a fact, remember that Yakapo's player is my co-worker, that CSRs (not just one) have investigated Yakapo and challenged him directly on these claims in the past. He remains in game.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#58 [en] 

1. Exploiting:
Using a third-party program or taking advantage of a bug in the game in order to gain an advantage over other players, or profiting from anything that is not provided by the game or the game mechanics either for personal or other use, is considered a exploit. Upon finding an exploit, you can contact us via the means described above. Note that this rule is a direct consequence of the CoC and so any breaches will be dealt with severely.

Taken from Arispotle's Ingame Guidelines

#59 [en] 

And Gorran, yes we noticed your nice healpod of GoZ, but no one would claim them to be alts using 3rd party software because they had the ability to move individually and speak.

#60 [en] 

I do not nor have I ever used 3rd party software to dig.

The fact is yes you do have the coordination, the tactics, and TI has substantial numbers of their own. But you also have several players with their own personal heal pods and 2 players who have extremely large heal pods that can switch between healing, resing and nuking from one moment to the next. These 2 players with their groups of alts are very difficult to put down and keep down and they alone are responsible for the outcomes of each battle they attend.

I feel bad for those of you in TI who are playing properly including those who have alts and control them the right way. You might very well be the biggest, smartest, strongest and best guild in the game. Unfortunately we will never really know that because some of you cheat. Those people do not have enough faith in TI as a guild to win without it.

If, as Gorran suggests, 3rd party software to control alts is allowed, I call for a CSR to confirm this so we can all start doing it.


#61 [en] 

I do not nor have I ever used 3rd party software to dig.


#62 [en] 

seems like ingame (server side) macros should be disabled. especially for pvp encounters.

It would remove all doubts wether there is real player behind that char or not (until new problems surface)



#63 [en] 

This kind of complaint is unavoidable in pvp games i suppose, I have played many.

but since we are all here to have fun why not just say "good job, get you next time" and go on and figure out how? yall won one a couple weeks ago and there were no forum posts complainig about how you were "cheating" and such. I like the people i fight, they let me have fun fighting them, would buy yall a beer if I could, but complaining about alts when yall had superior numbers? complainiing about account sharing when there were characters there on kara side when there were characters there who are KNOWN to have quit Ryzom? coem on guys, just have fun :)

Why would there be any complaining about karas cheating at the battle? No kara brings more than 1 healing alt to a battle, if that. We're supposed to be having fun with this? Being beaten down by a guild that would own nothing without the use of these bots. They can't even bare to be attacked without threatening counter-declares and attacks on allies to "take everything they have." Yes, PvP is fun for us, how is it fun for TI? Seems to me they don't like PvP, only winning. And dominating. And bullying others.

But that's not the point. This isn't about kara vs. kami now. This is asking CSRs to clarify if 3rd party programs are allowed so others may begin to use it and defend themselves against a bot army.

#64 [en] 


But that's not the point. This isn't about kara vs. kami now. This is asking CSRs to clarify if 3rd party programs are allowed so others may begin to use it and defend themselves against a bot army.

with as many times as specific names are mentioned in this? sorry man, you might be after a real clarification, but this thread is a whinge about losing.

Last edited by Garuth(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#65 [en] 

I do not nor have I ever used 3rd party software to dig.


I invite you to watch me dig if you are going to call me a liar. You can clearly see that my characters never start an action at the same time. They always move one at a time because I switch from window to window starting actions in each one.

If you watch me digging for a while and you still want to call me a liar ill fraps it and post it so you can see exactly what im doing on my PC while im digging, but I would then expect the same from Yakapo and Nitrouss during OP battles.

Now the issue at hand remains the same. Try to divert it all you like but the Karavans are fed up with the blatant cheating to control the outcome of OP battles and therefore manipulate the balance between factions. We want answers and we want action.


#66 [en] 

Whatever. It's a shame that Yaka didn't take a screenshot of you admitting to using 3rd party software. You want to make accusations thats fine. But people in glass houses and all.

#67 [en] 

still dont get it, yall had more characters than we did and are complaining that we had too many becasue we won is all I can figure.

what yall need is to put an organized person who isnt afraid to be a jerk in charge and MAKE people do as he says. I am sure there are many of you who have great ideas, but it seems like you try to do them all at the same time instead of having a central person in charge

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Garuth(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#68 [en] 

Deja vu... I believe the kara's may be stuck in an infinite loop, maybe their coding should be looked into? Anyway, this is so stupid, turn cat production back up or find a way to fix it other then that occupation that nobody cares about and we'll have more cats then we know what to do with (they'll have to be given back), however declaring with your alts and making rage posts with your alts on the forums does not motivate us to ever hand OP's back. Look at it this way, you can start working on your coordination, figuring out tactics for battle other then your bum rushing, and AA in particular, maybe you should listen to everyone in your guild's Idea's, the person I'm talking about knows who they are. ;) And to all kara's in general, every person that has ever come over to TI that was kara has been a person who tried and tried and tried to organize you all, and was ignored, TI kept getting better. See?


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#69 [en] 

I do not use 3rd party software to control my alts. I have used 3rd party software more than 1 year ago before I was made aware that it is against the rules. I have never denied this. I have never used 3rd party software to help me dig or to give me any advantage during OP battles.

I find it interesting that you are trying to justify your guilds violation of the 3rd party software rule by saying "you do it so dont complain".

Again, try to divert from the issue all you like but we will not keep quiet about this any longer. We want to hear from the CSR team.

1. Is there still in fact a policy against the use of 3rd party software.
2. If so, will action be taken to prevent its use and punish violations of the policy.
3. What must we provide for you to take this seriously enough for some kind of action.


#70 [en] 

Anyway, this is so stupid, turn cat production back up or find a way to fix it other then that occupation that nobody cares about and we'll have more cats then we know what to do with (they'll have to be given back),

I totally agree Liliang, That or remove cats all together and adjust the xp acordingly.

#71 [en] 

And to all kara's in general, every person that has ever come over to TI that was kara has been a person who tried and tried and tried to organize you all, and was ignored, TI kept getting better. See?

Im sorry, I dont know what you have been told by these people but I know of 4 converts in the last few months who do not fit in this statement. 3 ex-AA members and one ex-TPM. They each left due to personal differences with various people, and had nothing to do with coordination or being ignored.

I could list these people and their reasons, but that would be personal and completely off topic. If you care at all or are curious feel free to send me a tell.

Last edited by Beeficus (1 десятилетие назад)



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