

#144 [en] 

Now, all that aside, you know what TI wants? They may not tell you this, but from the time that I spend around them and talking with them, they want fun and exciting battles. Do you know the two battles I've heard them nerdgasming over the most? The loss at Ginti and when you guys pushed Loria to a defense. Your initial push at Loria was awesome, but then you fell apart.

If this is the case, why can we not have fair fun battles anymore? Why does declaring on a guild's OP automatically cause a counter-declare and threats to "take everything we have" then? Why add that intimidation? Why threaten to take our allies OP if we attack? If they really want a good battle, they should accept a single attack and not try to scare away attackers with these threats and actions. We are not scared to lose an OP, but others may be put off from supporting, and you may end up fighting a weak little force which isn't fun for anybody. It's a game and shouldn't cause so much stress.

#145 [en] 

I'm not trying to stir up anything new with this, just leaving it here for everyone's consideration. Maybe some day soon we will be having more fun battles as frienemies, but something has to change. I know both sides have done counter-declares in the past, so I am not just targeting one group - I don't want to see a discussion about that.

Yesterday I decided to leave Ryzom. Having slept on it, I will wait until my exams are done to know what is really causing me stress.

Last edited by Crailus (1 десятилетие назад)

#146 [en] 

If this is the case, why can we not have fair fun battles anymore? Why does declaring on a guild's OP automatically cause a counter-declare and threats to "take everything we have" then? Why add that intimidation? Why threaten to take our allies OP if we attack? If they really want a good battle, they should accept a single attack and not try to scare away attackers with these threats and actions. We are not scared to lose an OP, but others may be put off from supporting, and you may end up fighting a weak little force which isn't fun for anybody. It's a game and shouldn't cause so much stress.

Hey mate there was no Counter declare until Soloreaper Hit GoC with his alt. I

Last edited by Yakapo (1 десятилетие назад)


#147 [en] 

I'm not trying to stir up anything new with this, just leaving it here for everyone's consideration. Maybe some day soon we will be having more fun battles as frienemies, but something has to change. I know both sides have done counter-declares in the past, so I am not just targeting one group - I don't want to see a discussion about that.

Yesterday I decided to leave Ryzom. Having slept on it, I will wait until my exams are done to know what is really causing me stress.

shame, I had alot of fun fighting you in the couple months I have been on ryzom. always felt like managing to knock you down without someone getting me (rare) was a real accomplishment :) will miss you if you decide to go bud.

#148 [en] 

I'm not trying to stir up anything new with this, just leaving it here for everyone's consideration. Maybe some day soon we will be having more fun battles as frienemies, but something has to change. I know both sides have done counter-declares in the past, so I am not just targeting one group - I don't want to see a discussion about that.

Yesterday I decided to leave Ryzom. Having slept on it, I will wait until my exams are done to know what is really causing me stress.

I hope that you don't decide to leave, I enjoy our target/target relationship and also working with you in Almati Woods.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#149 [en] 

carilus this is my point of veiw but i see it like this AA is the largest kara guild at the moment if you worked harder at being more organised and more open to other kara's suggestions you may just combine your efforts and keep kara's as kara's and they may not defect . I was once kara my self and i was given a lot of schooling by a ti member and boy did i enjoy trying to nuke his A** but eventually my thoughts of how battles were organised by the kara the good ideas that were cast aside because they were made buy a newish player and older kara's bitching at each other because the statagies failed made me go kami were i am now and i was saved from leaving the ryzom community

Last edited by Khandoma (1 десятилетие назад)


#150 [en] 

If this is the case, why can we not have fair fun battles anymore? Why does declaring on a guild's OP automatically cause a counter-declare and threats to "take everything we have" then? Why add that intimidation? Why threaten to take our allies OP if we attack? If they really want a good battle, they should accept a single attack and not try to scare away attackers with these threats and actions. We are not scared to lose an OP, but others may be put off from supporting, and you may end up fighting a weak little force which isn't fun for anybody. It's a game and shouldn't cause so much stress.

Hey mate there was no Counter declare until Soloreaper Hit GoC with his alt. I

Why do I always get dragged into everything? This isn't true by the way, Annunaki Pantheon hit Westgrove about 15mins after Fount was declared on. To try and make things interesting, and I felt like it was a fun night. I really enjoyed the battles. I look forward to more fun soon. It was a close one at all battles. Great work from both sides.

#151 [en] 

Sorry. but if I find out they are spying on other programs I am running at the same time as ryzom I wll leave. delete ryzom, and report it as spyware. There is way too much possibility of that being abused. A game company has no right at all to invade my privacy. if another game company is doing so they are setting themselves up for a major lawsuit. Might have to look into that, it would be worth billions :) even if it is in the eula. you cannot sign away your right to privacy.

#152 [en] 

It would be a simple matter to check server logs to determine if all the characters shown to be following one player were each logged in from seperate IP's, and if they are the same as the IP's those accounts are regularly logged from.

Again with the IP crap. You nuts or just so damn computer illeterate? What is considered to be "regular IP"? Did you know that on Dial up or 3G connection you get a different IP almost every time you connect? So that won't work. And believe it or not i share a 3G connection with 2 others and 1 of them plays Ryzom on the regular basis.

So just leave the IPs out of it.

#153 [en] 

Ok I am going to close this this thread as it is getting a bit off topic.
I dont mind letting threads slog it out at the best of times but this one is getting repetitive and a bit too personal.

Determinations and judgements about players behaviour and indiscretions have always been at the discretion of the CSR team, all manner of evidence is considered including discussions like these.

If you have any issues about the CSR team or the way it goes about its tasks then please email me at mokoi@ryzom.com I am always available and at your service.

Last edited by Mokoi(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)


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