
Those who wont make the rainbow in time...

Hadrosian (Limbo--Arispotle)

((Hadrosian is my original animation. He is now in a stasis tank, and has been for some years now (irl). I would very much like to check on him, but we cannot seem to find a way to transfer him to my new name (my free to play account)--he is very young (<125)--and has a long life to live. I am hoping someone does not simply turn off the lights on him, as I do not know if he is anywhere near anyone who can revive his soul.) If you have the same concern about any of your animations, you can export them here: http://www.bebew.fr/saveyourass/ . The xml files are very interesting, but I would not advise even attempting to edit the .crypt . Perhaps a solution to this problem can be found sometime shortly, considering that no one simply deletes character information anymore.)
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Last visit Суббота, 28 Сентября 22:35:36 UTC

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