black screen

Unfortunately your log file is down, so I can't look, but if it is a firewall, make sure your not double or even triple blocked. Windows firewall could be running in the background and if you have a router, that is a firewall as well. However that really should not be causing your problem as I have two firewalls running (software on local and router) with both Linux and Windows and have never had any connection problems.

Just in case though make sure your Windows firewall is not running in the background then try to run the game and finally if all else fails make exceptions or disable the firewall on your router if you have one. Don't disable both all at once if both are running for two reasons. 1. Your leaving yourself vulnerable possibly unnecessarily. 2. Shutting down one at a time will let you find the culprit easier.
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Last visit Четверг, 27 Июня 17:43:00 UTC

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