A New Beginning

But, I do feel like despite being called a mature community we are being treated like children who should be seen (most especially through our money) and not heard.
because it's not real life. Nothing I do here will carry forward into my real future. It's a pastime. It's fun. So... if I can enjoy it once, why not enjoy it twice? In the end, it's all illusion anyway. Unreal accomplishments in an unreal universe, providing a real sense of accomplishment - which I could've gotten from real life deeds. I'm choosing to pass (waste?) my time in a virtual world.

Yes exactly. I could not believe that they decided to delete all chars, it really seems like the stupidest move possible while giving pointless prizes to a few lucky ones... They seem to expect too much from their player base. No consultation at all, no discussion.

While merging servers is a fine idea, despite some obvious problems like event languages, past histories, etc.. Deleting everyones names? crazy. Deleting everyones characters and skills? stupid.
Really you take for granted that your subscribers will be willing to play repeat for another 1,2,5 8 years with nothing to show from before. not even a name...

I will probably stick around to see Atys again, because its a game, and something to do, and i've enjoyed my time with it. And may enjoy my time again. But this seems like a very rash decision indeed. One of the original ideas of ryzom was character death, your main characters would die and your child characters would inherit skills from their 'parents'. So I do feel a little prepared for the idea of character death, but that was with in the framework of a working game. There would be continuation. Some skills that you had worked(played) long and hard for would carry over. This matters. None wants to lose all memories for these past years in game. Do you not recall that Atys is about making an impact, changing a game world? Creating stories for ourselves? You are abandoning everything that Atys was/is by not making an effort to carry players into a new world/server. its sad.

It is simply not true that characters can't be saved. the api stands as clear evidence that this is true. Export all characters, massage the values, import them. obviously you need a coder to figure out the scripts, but SOMEONE there must be a coder! otherwise how could you be running the game?? There are plenty of accomplished coders here if you want it done free even i'm sure.

I really do hope Winchgate reconsiders the options, discusses them with the players, and respects their input. It was said this game exists because of the player base, please don't make 50% or more players leave. In the end i'll stick around to see how it goes, but I may not be paying.


~~Merchant, Wayfinder, Tracker~~

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