
We have campfires, so let's take next step in this direction and implement tents, that players can make in the same way like campfires or fials.

You collect the mats, click the button and tent appears on the ground next to you. Since there are racial designs of tents, you would need Lakeland mats for Tryker tent, Forest mats for Matis tent, and so on. Tents woudn't be just a decorations, but spread health regeneration aura around them, once arised, so everyone sitting or staying close to the tent get a boost for HP regen rate. Also tents would give slight regen boosts for energies, associated with races designed them. Like, Zorai tent boosting sap regen. After some time, maybe one hour, tent disappear along with its aura. Also, what about tieing up tentmaking process to the campfire? That would fit for idea of short term camps in the wilderness. You light up a campfire, set up a tent and enjoy some resting, or, on more practical note, use it as healing point for your hunting team.

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