
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

I do not use 3rd party software to control my alts. I have used 3rd party software more than 1 year ago before I was made aware that it is against the rules. I have never denied this. I have never used 3rd party software to help me dig or to give me any advantage during OP battles.

I find it interesting that you are trying to justify your guilds violation of the 3rd party software rule by saying "you do it so dont complain".

Again, try to divert from the issue all you like but we will not keep quiet about this any longer. We want to hear from the CSR team.

1. Is there still in fact a policy against the use of 3rd party software.
2. If so, will action be taken to prevent its use and punish violations of the policy.
3. What must we provide for you to take this seriously enough for some kind of action.


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Last visit Суббота, 28 Сентября 21:25:55 UTC

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