At the Ready Weapon/Item

A third "hand slot" that you can place a "at the ready" item in. Switching betweem you current and "at the ready" items should take a fraction of the time as normal.

The idea behind this is that while you are using an item, you have something else ready to grab and use at moments notice. Some useful examples would include a sword "at the ready" while casting. Another would be amps "at the ready" while digging.


I would like to see this "at the ready" item on ones back. THis would allow for standards, Factional, racial, or even guild banners (such as the ones the CSRs carry about, only with the respective design and without the glow) to be carried or "worn". One benefit of this would be organization in battle. Anyone else notice that It always seems we are suppose to "gather" or "stay with" a Tryker in battles or events?
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Last visit Пятница, 27 Сентября 22:12:10 UTC

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