[All] The Kitin & The Karavan: Study (Ongoing)

Oren Pyr homins!

My forays into the kitin areas have led me to the Kitins' nest base in the Witherings locally known as "Desert Stock." With horror I have discovered that even here the activities of these vile creatures have grown! This has apparently been missed by the recent research of the Karavan and the Atys Rangers.

Unfortunately, I no longer have the strength of my youth to fight the omnivorous horde alone. I therefore call on all eligible homins to come with me to show the kitins that we will not let ourselves be intimidated by their plans to assume control over Atys! For simplicity's sake, I choose as the meeting place at the Kami teleporter in Zora. I will wait for all supporters for this initiative on 19h - Quinteth, Nivia 5, 3rd AC 2600(JY)*.


* Воскресенье, 25 Сентября 2011 20:00:00 UTC (1 десятилетие назад)
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