
This change to the rules is ridiculous and without logic. Playing 4 accounts at once is not "a personal army". It is not even half a team. What evidence is there that playing 4 accounts at once has any detrimental effect on teamplay? You have provided none.

** DEL ** Personal Attack

This is just another example of your blatant bias towards your "preferred players".

The utter mismanagement of this game has led to a severe decline in the player population over the years and this decision is yet another in a long line of bad decisions. During my time zone often people cannot even put a team together capable of killing a lvl 270 boss. But that does not matter to you at all, does it? Not when all the players you care about, all the events and everything interesting that happens in the game happens at a time that suits the french playerbase.

I can no longer support a game run this way. Goodbye.


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Last visit Суббота, 28 Сентября 04:58:19 UTC

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