More Storage

Why would armour/weapons/things in your hand count as bulk in your bag?
Otherwise someone will complain about the annoyance of not being able to unequip their things when overloaded.

Why would that make a difference?
I mean, if you're daft enough to fill your bag, then try to take off your dig gear and put it 'in your full bag' then surely that's your own fault?

Penalising the entire community by reducing storage, just to compensate for those who can't work out the obvious complexities of a full bag is ... well, how typically Ryzom :)


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)
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Last visit Четверг, 13 Июня 10:27:44 UTC

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