
New Player review/perspective.

what I experienced is that most of the new players left before even hitting the 125. They leave Silan with a level that is massively restricting their ability to do things on the Mainland. You can't really walk a bit out of a city to do a mission without dieing fast. While this is quite nice for some (I like it), for new players it can be quite a demotivating issue as they realize they have to grind a lot to even survive outside the main Cities.

One thing I would suggest is to make experience catas free for all until lvl 75/100, so it's a bit less grindy at start and new players won't feel like leaving cities would be their death, but what else should they do?. Also so they have a bit time to get into the game and getting more spells/abilities to play with.

Another reason for this:
Giving xp catas from start and taking it away also has a bigger effect than never having it, only if you pay for it. Why paying for something that you had no idea could be so practical? It's just basic psychology.
Let new players level a bit faster until a certain level so they see a bit more from this game as they dive in more.

Yes I know, you get usable catas as f2p, but that's not comparable to have it all the time. The way it is now looks quite a lot like a pay2win system. Pay and all is easier/faster/more convenient. Oh and you can level beyond 125. As f2p it is already a big grind session to reach 125, if they ever see the sense to reach 125 as f2p. Their decision process "to go sub or leave the game" is much earlier. So help them get past this by helping them at start with a few levels. That would be the easiest compared to reworking a lot other stuff.

Just a suggestion :-)
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Last visit Суббота, 28 Сентября 21:35:12 UTC

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