1) Flight and Levitation

There are some afflictions spells that will cause a levitation, but no transport (excepting a transport to the next respawn point if the mission fails). But you don't mean anything like this i guess …

Flight … Could be an nice idea. Standing on a wooden board, flying for fun through a bonbon coloured world … that doesn't sounds like "Ryzom" for me, where the canopees could'nt be reached, so that there are unexplored secrets and hopefully Homin that want to explore them. And another thing to see are those many, many awesome aggro animals, that will starve, when everybody will fly over their howling heads.

For me … Not useable ideas. In Ryzom it's a big part of the gameplay, to learn how to sneak around everything, that will have a lunch with you.
2) Super Speed and Haste Swim

You can learn a speed skill already, and if you'll activate this skill standing outside the water, you'll swim faster, when you start swimming. And did you know: Mounts can swim too. Not as fast as with a fully skilled Speed skill, but they can.
3) Instant TP and Group TP

Instant TP … Do you mean, TP'ing everywhere you want to go from everywhere you are? Hey, give those awesome carnivores and bandits a chance, that's Ryzom :-)

Group TP is possible already, as long every group member has the right transportation pact. Than all can use this pact, and the whole group will reach the target. And for the one and only real existing group teleportation try out the kitin patrol in our lovely prime roots: Sometimes they will cause a massive wipeout with a guaranteed group respawn at the next revival point.
3) Super Jump

*sight* Homins aren't frogs. And noone ever heard, that a homin got big and green and became to a hulkish super jumper. Noone ever heard, that a homin got to jump at all … Would be a atysian wonder, after all this long years we all wished to have the possibility to do 4-m-jumps … or because of me shorter.

Maybe we should consolidate our wishes to jump around and over barricades and cliffs with some HP losses, before we should start asking for super jumps. Jumping on the neck of a kincher could be a nice animated melee skill. But as Transportation mode? I'm doubting ...

Those already existing "Jumps" always depending on the fictioned technology: Karavan will be beamed, and Kami will jump through the teleporter systems, while Ranger will crawl through secret paths and dirthy tunnels full with roots and mud, and Marauder will do something strange too.

A nice jump animation after a lucky teleport, or a speech bubble that will say "Yeah! *jumps*" after a good kill after a exhausting boss hunt should be enough expectation for the first. Maybe - and my hopes are still existing, that by exploring the atysian gravitation sometimes we could do some little jumps. *smiling* And yes, this is a metaphor ...
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