Give Rewards for Multi-Masters Part 2: Forage Skills

the 'Madness skill?' Well perhaps a better resistance to it. (Haven't looked to see if there is a jewel recipe that works against it, so I am not commenting on that yet. Otherwise perhaps better jewels can be crafted)?

I think you don't know what we are talking about with "this madness spell stuff". Basically, it's a bug that has been around for YEARS, everyone's knows it (even the member of Ryzom Team and developers for years TOO) and I don't see it being fix in the upcoming years neither.
Madness spell is often mentioned with this bug because it's the main use-case (why do you think that most of the people have an madness q25 enchanted in their weapons and not an q250 ??) but it will also work with others spells as well as fear etc. With a good timing you can have 100% success rate for the spell to be casted properly.

This bug is one of the things which makes the basic PvP (1vs1 or 2 or 3 let say) totally uninteresting in Ryzom.
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