Bunny Tools 3.0x / 3.1x

If ya using the BM Fame Tracker, and find that ya getting attacked by a tribe for which your fame is -50.08, you may find that you cant get into see the Tribe Welcome cause all the guards want to go 'boink boink" on ya head with heavy or pointed sticks.

BM Fame Tracker

Like all Bunny Tools, they began life in 2005-2006 as a Spreadsheet.  The tool is divided into several sections by column:

Who, What and Where

A - Tribes
B - Race
C - Faction (Religion)
D - Location

Character Related - This image is FF's chart so it reflects only those with same faction (Kami) / Citizenship (Atys) / Race (Fyros) ... and not sure it is now outdated due to changes.  I had 3 other volunteers, so one of each race, but all were kami.  In all likelyhood, if Kara, Marauder or Ranger, you probably have have different numbers.

E  thru  H - Starting Fame for a Kami dude / dudette
I & J - This column is where you can record your fame
K thru N - Maximum Fame for a Kami dude / dudette
O - How much Fame you need to max out your fame

In-Camp Fame Givers - There is a minimum fame requirement to take these missions

P - Tribe Chief
Q - Outpost Officer
R - Tribe Welcomer ( > -65 Fame)
S - Local / Frontier / Outlands Supplier (> 0 Fame)
T - Master / Apprentice Overseer ( > 0 Fame)
U - Ambassador to Higher Powers ( > 0 Fame)

Wandering Fame Givers - The 1st three ( T thru V) have no fame requirements .. The last two require fame > 0.

V - Patroller (No Fame Req't)
W - Scout (No Fame Req't)
X - Journeyman (No Fame Req't)

Y - Prospector ( > 0 Fame)
Z - Hunter ( > 0 Fame)

If ya want a copy of the Spreadsheet so you can track your own fame, see instructions at end of this post.

The NPC list below represents the most complete list of confirmed Tribe NPCs available ... With a new version of Yubo Maps on hold ,,, looking for suggestions on getting these mapped.  Find an unlisted NPC see the Bunny Fame Challenge Post in the separate comments thread.

BTW, if ya wanna use a macro to find NPCs in a specific region, you can use the following as a model:

The formula for fame is (104 - Current Fame) / 104. So if you get 1.00 fame points doing a mission at Fame = 0.00 (Base Fame = BF) , then at level 78 you would get :

BF x (104 - CF) / 104
1.00 x (104 - 78.00) / 104 = 0.25
1.00 x (-104 - - 78) / -104 = 0.25

EDIT:  This formula was developed prior to recet fame changes (May, 2019) and has not been re-confirmed.

Tech Tip - You can create a Macro to find the wandering NPCs or any difficult to find Mobs that chnage by season

1. Hit System / Macros / Creat New Macro
2. Select a name say "Target Missions" and a key combo
3. Category = Actions / Action = Target an Entity
4. Name of Entity to Target = let's say "Leering Izam" (don't type the quotes)
5. Click OK and exit game
6. In your save file look for the file named keys_[your toon name].xml
7. Save this file as keys_[your toon name].old
8. Reopen the original file and scroll down to the bottom and you should find your macro and highlight copy the line in green text.

<macro name="Target Missions" id="23" back="0" icon="0" over="0" text="">
<command name="target" params="entity=Leering Izam"/>

8. Make it look like this by pasting in the command line you just copied and then editing the wandering mission givers and any hard to find mobs

<macro name="Target Missions" id="23" back="0" icon="0" over="0" text="">
<command name="target" params="entity=Leering Izam"/>
<command name="target" params="entity=Grunting Capryni"/>
<command name="target" params="entity=Ba'Neppy Machen"/>
<command name="target" params="entity=Be'Lauppy Derren"/>
</macro>Obviously, spelling is important

EDIT: This tool will not likely be incorporated into the IG Bunny Tools App ... however an updated copy of the spreadsheet version will be available through Rocket Chat. Send a PM to Fyrosfreddy on Rocket Chat requesting the Fame Tool and the file will be sent back to you. Log in to RC from your browser and you should be able to d/l. This post may be edited as things change.  The current tool is based upon Fyros Toon but for now, you can use the Starting and Max fames from Moniq's tool until the other race versions are checked.


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