1 Communication & Marketing Group
Q: Do we have a date for Steam release?
A: We don´t have an answer for Steam yet. We will announce it as soon as we know something more.
Q: Do you plan to do some kind of advertisement about this release, to bring more new players or so? I was not thinking about an public anoucement but ads on others website.
A: We have an announcement ready and translated, but we are waiting for Steam answer to announce a date to everyone, and we will announce Ryzom in other websites too.
Q: On steam sometimes you get proposed new games... any chance Ryzom can get in there?
A: Ryzom should appear on the "New on Steam" section once we are there.
Q: Will Steam be granted a commission for subscriptions through them?
A: Yes, that's why sub via Steam will be a little more high than via WorldPay (like we do via PayPal because of the commission).
Q: Do we have a date for Steam release?
A: We don´t have an answer for Steam yet. We will announce it as soon as we know something more.
Q: Do you plan to do some kind of advertisement about this release, to bring more new players or so? I was not thinking about an public anoucement but ads on others website.
A: We have an announcement ready and translated, but we are waiting for Steam answer to announce a date to everyone, and we will announce Ryzom in other websites too.
Q: On steam sometimes you get proposed new games... any chance Ryzom can get in there?
A: Ryzom should appear on the "New on Steam" section once we are there.
Q: Will Steam be granted a commission for subscriptions through them?
A: Yes, that's why sub via Steam will be a little more high than via WorldPay (like we do via PayPal because of the commission).
Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN