
Your Local Ryzom Data: Finding, Backing Up, and maybe Editing

Got a chance to play with this a bit.

I doubted it would work for me, since I'm not on Windows, but it seems to be working fine for me if I run it using Wine! (Sorry for running your lovely program in a such non-ideal environment, but hey, at least it works!)

It's super easy to look through all my landmarks now! It was easy to notice and correct a few mislabeled markers while just browsing my marker list, and I can confirm my edits appear in my in-game map. Also I can look at my Silan landmarks now! nostalgia... :3

I only used this program while logged out, I'm assuming that's what I should do?

It took a bit of time(maybe 20s? less than a minute) for LandmarksEditor to load my markers, but they did load (so if you're reading this, maybe give it a moment to load before trying to debug your install). This load-time might just be an effect of running it through wine.

The export/import to XML also seems to be working fine for me so far, from one test.

Here's my very brief installation story in pictures:

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Last visit Пятница, 7 Июня 19:16:29 UTC

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