How to fix the game (brainstorming)

So, pressing a button once every 15min (considering it lasts 20sec, so when you're in danger, you activate it, and you're totally safe) is harder than pressing it once every 2min with just enough duration (4sec) to potentially save your life if you use it at the right time, is that what you're saying? If yes, I can't counter your argument because it makes no sense to me.

Ryzom is a "difficult" game (for a beginner), not because of the gameplay, but because of the HP pool, the fact that aggros follow you for ages, that it takes forever to level up and get correctly geared, that there's nobody currently playing the game to help you, etc.
The gameplay is slow and by that I mean extremely slow. As Mestro said, killing a NPC boss, except Pei, is really easy if everybody knows what he's doing (spam a few buttons): The tank keeps the aggro, the heal basically heals and the nuker drops the boss down. The 2 mages can easily heal themselves so that they don't run out of sap. Yes it takes a lot of time to kill a 270 boss being only 3 people, but in most cases, it works perfectly. Securing the fighting ground, as you call it... is that really difficult? Especially that a lot of bosses are non-aggro so you can just ignore the gards if you pull the boss away from them.
And since there's no real PvE in Ryzom (once again, if you compare it to other games, since that's all of us are doing now), I don't really know what this could negatively change after all.

PvP wise (and also if you often play solo), though, the game would become much more dynamic (changing from the traditional hit -> sit (regen) -> hit again while levelling or hit -> switch to amps -> enchant heal -> back to weapons in PvP because the auras would play a real role in the game compared to now where they're just panic buttons because you press them while in danger and you know you're totally out of trouble for half a minute).

I don't really know why I am bringing you guys arguments since Rook and Mestro brilliantly summarize my thoughts and ideas but I'm still trying to convince you that, if you play other games, you can really see what's wrong (and what's good!) in Ryzom as soon as you play it again.

That's true that it may take some time to change these numbers but it's better to have a dynamic game to me, rather than just a bugged and slow game. And I think that fixing bugs takes much more time than actually just changing some duration and CD (and why not, the DoT system as Mestro explained because they are completely useless right now).
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Last visit Вторник, 26 Ноября 20:33:18 UTC

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