
Ingame stuff changed again (for the good), not patch notes?

Count this as another vote in fav of the value of patch notes.

Even if done in an after action report once things settle down a bit from patch deployment, there is still good value.


If us, the players, see written word (if it's wrote down, it's true and real. Everyone knows that.) on what's been done, there's a track record of stuff getting done. Otherwise, it's way too easy to start feeling like the game has been left to go fallow and that's not a good feeling to have. Hard to stay loyal when there's nothing to grab onto to show loyalty returned in kind.

Also we want people back in the game. We do. Honestly. We want more people to play with.

The more "sign" of issues being addressed, bugs being dealt with in something other than promises, etc and so on, is good and positive news that we, your loyal players, can all brag about to both new blood (players new to the game) and old vets who've given up.

So, whip us up some notes. Even a series of small notices for one off fixes and quick improvements, written and posted, would be a morale booster. Show us you're actually fixing things, even small things, so we know it's not just another round of empty promises.

Help us help you by providing what can be pointed to as good news that we can spread around.
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Last visit Вторник, 18 Февраля 19:21:10 UTC

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