Balance in OP battles - a proposal

Hey there, Com and Dev's and CSR's!

We would like to propose a means to make PvP (in particular: OP Fights) more challenging, more interesting and more fun whilst not taking away any of the things that are currently being done in OP PvP.

The current state of affairs with regards to OP Battles is as it always was in Ryzom:
The more people you bring, the likelier you are to win an OP. Ergo, they who bring most people along for the fight have the most OP's. This makes most OP battles to be high in numbers of participants. Some guilds - some factions even - do not have manpower to keep up with this standard. It is for them that we wish to change things, while for everyone else things stay the same (if they want!) or become more interesting!

And here goes:
We propose adjusting prices for OP clicks and the circumstance of the fight in echelons as follows in an example of a lvl 250 OP:

Guild B, the defenders may defend their outpost with TWO teams and the guards.
Guild A pays 12,5 million dappers for the attack

Attack with two teams, 15 million dappers
Defend with three teams + guards.

Attack with three teams, 17,5 million dappers
Defend with 4 teams and guards

Attack with 4 teams, 20 million dappers
Defend with 5 teams and guards

or the highest amount of 22,5 million dappers is to be able to attack with unlimited numbers of teams.

example for lvl 200 OP:

Attack with one team, 10 million dappers
Defend with two teams + guards.

Attack with two teams, 12 million dappers
Defend with three teams + guards.

Attack with three teams, 14 million dappers
Defend with 4 teams and guards

Attack with 4 teams, 16 million dappers
Defend with 5 teams and guards

or the highest amount of 18 million dappers is to be able to attack with unlimited numbers of teams.

example for lvl 150 OP:

Attack with one team, 6 million dappers
Defend with two teams + guards.

Attack with two teams, 7,5 million dappers
Defend with three teams + guards.

Attack with three teams, 9 million dappers
Defend with 4 teams and guards

Attack with 4 teams, 10,5 million dappers
Defend with 5 teams and guards

or the highest amount of 12 million dappers is to be able to attack with unlimited numbers of teams.

example for lvl 100 OP:

Attack with one team, 3 million dappers
Defend with two teams + guards.

Attack with two teams, 4 million dappers
Defend with three teams + guards.

Attack with three teams, 5 million dappers
Defend with 4 teams and guards

Attack with 4 teams, 6 million dappers
Defend with 5 teams and guards

or the highest amount of 7 million dappers is to be able to attack with unlimited numbers of teams.

example for lvl 50 OP:

Attack with one team, 1 million dappers
Defend with two teams + guards.

Attack with two teams, 1,5 million dappers
Defend with three teams + guards.

Attack with three teams, 2 million dappers
Defend with 4 teams and guards

Attack with 4 teams, 2,5 million dappers
Defend with 5 teams and guards

or the highest amount of 3 million dappers is to be able to attack with unlimited numbers of teams.

The Pro's:
+ more fluctuation in OP ownership (Guild A takes OP in minor battle from Guild B, Guild B takes OP back from Guild A in major battle)
+ more interesting and fun fights
+ more challenging and personal PvP possible
+ no need to change anything if it isn't wanted
+ Rate of Nighttime/early morning clicks will decrease massively
+ OP battles become possible for smaller guilds, too.

The Con's (perhaps):
- Massive battles become a bit more expensive. But if you got the manpower, you got the dappers, too.

Link to the french thread http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/20697/1# 1
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