Kitin activities

I believe Almati Wood could become a new vibrant hub of activity for all races, factions and organizations. Currently each faction/race/organization tend to stick to their own "home". There are many differences and disagreements in the lore for each faction, however there is one thing everyone agrees with: The fight against the kitins must be fought. Almati Wood has the opportunity to bring everyone together no matter what their differences. However it is currently empty and has no direct tp except through occupations so if it is going to become a place to bring people together it needs some changes.

I understand the ranger faction is set for implementation and some changes are probably already scheduled however I thought I would add my own ideas. Also these changes aren't just involving Almati Wood but also the kitin lair below.

Kitin speed runs. The plan being to turn kitin lair, or some part of it, into a mission activated mini-game. Say for example you are given 10minutes to go into the kitin lair and kill as many kitins as possible with points awarded dependent on level and mob. There could be a leaderboard, weekly prizes, maybe a point system giving ranger armor with enough points. Basically a fun activity for anyone to do at any given time.

Merchants, trainers, hairdressers, the works. Fully equip Almati Wood to be the home of the rangers and turn it into the heart of atys.

Expand the kitin lair. I think people have been asking this forever but it needs adding in. Lets have access deeper into the kitin lair a spawnable kitin queen perhaps? However I will ask one thing: Make this incredibly hard. Swarms of kitins with big bonuses to those who delve deep enough. Give people something to do! Day to day life on atys involves very little to do with a big team. Sure there are bosses that spawn (which die very quickly) and there are NPC bosses also but lets have some more fun things to do with a big team (this kind of ties in with kitin speed runs).



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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Last visit Пятница, 20 Сентября 11:48:58 UTC

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