how Seriously are ideas considered?

Unfortunately Naema even when you do get a response ideas are still not put forward or considered. 10 months ago I started two threads proposing several ideas here and here.

10 months ago I received a reply letting me know some were set for implementation, some weren't and the others would be considered. Since that time I have posted several times asking to know about the progress of these ideas and whether the ones being decided upon had been done so. No reply has been made to any of my questions.

More recently I asked for the ideas under consideration or for implementation to be moved to the dev roadmap. I would consider such a simple thing to be easy enough to do but yet no reply has been made.

After reading this thread I came to understand that the devs were slowed down due to only one volunteer passing on forum information to them. Having read this I actually sent an email volunteering myself to read the forums and help them and so far no reply has been made.

It saddens me to see the lack of progress being made despite my many attempts to put forward new ideas and offer to help. No reasoning for such a lack of response has lead me to believe that the devs are hiding behind a facade of "we are slow because we only have 1 volunteer". I understand that many people who are working for ryzom are volunteers themselves- my main disgruntlement is with the people who are seemingly taking our money and putting forward a fake barrier that is the forums to make us believe things are moving forward when really the vast majority of the forums is just a sinkhole to make people feel good when hardly anything gets done.



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Last visit Пятница, 20 Сентября 11:45:26 UTC

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