PvP Week

Hello, i been way from ryzom for about 9 months.Still miss it tho tbh but... this game was no chance of going PvP simply cause the 95% of ppl playing just dont want to PvP.Its sad for as that love to PvP but thats the truth.Thats is the main reason i left ryzom.So try to find a way to PvP just like we did after merge (arrange 2v2 3v3 ect) and thats about it imo.Ppl that stay in ryzom are the once that wanna forage/craft and no1 can blame them, PvPers are the minority in this game so its time we reallize it .No1 can forse any1 to do anything.
But i have 1 q for the strict PvEers, wth are u gonna do with sup boosted gear ? kill yubos more faster ?
i get it u love forage craft ( been away 9 months i missed forage and craft tbh :P ) but for what all the effort of getting top mats and crafting them ? u can kill every mob in ryzom with crap gear too

anyways best of wishes on ryzom, hope it will stay alive for many years more, i hate to see my main die cause the game died
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Last visit Пятница, 20 Сентября 13:41:00 UTC

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