Marauder armour for Marauders

Toak, let us not mix up things.

As far as you think there should be a marauder armor like there is a fyros, matis, tryker, or zorai armor, ok, I can understand that to some extent though I am not sure whether that is not going too far. Should there also be special armor skins for the other third factions, for trytonists and rangers, and if not, why not? And should not everybody then be able to learn marauder armor plans like marauders know zorai, tryker, matis, and fyros (and can learn them if they are able to enter the cities)? So generally, I am not strictly opposed against a marauder armor skin, but see many open questions.

But to emphasize again: A different armor skin is one thing, special armor with outstanding attributes given out in an inflationary manner is another one. To the first, I am not definitely opposed, to the second, I am.

As to the boss hunts, I do not understand your argument. Granted, some karavaneers, more seldom some kamists do their hunts though not always. If marauders would organize their own ones they would have to negotiate dates with others as karavaneers are doing with Chanchey's round recently, or risk quarrel usually resulting in failure for everyone. If marauder players would participate in the open round the share would be smaller for all, sure, but what is the point? That is the way it is, the largely visited rounds have smaller, but steadier yield, the smaller may have better yield but also higher risk of failure or cancellation.

As to the crystals, you need 7 for one set of ha to be crafted. If there are 70 sets of armor per year no more than 60 Eroukan armors may be crafted in the same time. If craft crystals could simply be bought, masses could be crafted.

And the money, well, marauder is considered a higher level challenge. But I could yield several million dappers a day in the scorched corridor, at the Fraiders and the Scorchers, both tribes not adverse to marauders (though Scorchers to all non Trykers). The Fraiders in particular have well paid missions, and the Zinuakeen is the most convenient TP in that region. Similar goes for Ancient Dryads and Sap Slaves in GoC, and in the 200 regions are good overseer missions, too.


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