Guild race fame making more roleplay sense

With all the arguments listed here so far I, too, fail to see how this proposal would facilitate more/easier interaction or roleplay.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm understanding part of what you mean: As the character Irfidel is a guildless loner, despising anyone who tries to "organize" him, Irfidel has no direct access to all the obvious guild benefits. I as a player of course have no guild chat, don't use any guild's teamspeak etc. As I - as a player - love interaction with many of the regulars a lot, I often consider if the toon should join a guild. As a wandering neutral, feeling affiliation with the rangers goals there would be a few obvious options. However it just doesn't fit the character, so it won't happen.

There's still enough interaction for me as a player: Whenever someone logs on, friends of the character get a message in their chat windows. We can all configure this to be fully open (my case), or just for guildies, or for noone (full privacy protection). Lots of people allow Ryzom to show this message to anyone. And I can see in the friendslist all I like to interact with. So I can just /tell them if I'd love to interact in the game - and so can they.

Overall I don't feel restricted as a player even though there cannot be a guild for my character. I believe _especially_ the roleplay arguments in this thread speak against the proposal.
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Last visit Пятница, 20 Сентября 13:27:10 UTC

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