[01-06-13] Added a refresh-button to reset the timer for a post
[06-06-13] Added "Advanced Mode", use it to fine-tune your posts
[06-06-13] Added an Help page explaining the post options in detail
[10-06-13] The timer now shows how much time is left on the user's own posts
[28-07-13] Added sort-buttons to sort the list by a field
[28-09-13] Updated the code according to the new (?) changes of how apps work
[28-09-13] Added a tiny guild icon next to the character name
Some good-to-know info:
-Posts disappear automatically after 30min (default)
-You can have multiple posts up at once
It's been years since I've been in a team so I'm not sure about the roles and activities available, but I think they are general enough to cover everything. Don't be afraid to suggest additions to the lists!
Anyway, it would be great if people started using it and made it a habit to check it regularly.
Tell your friends and guildmates! (Also I would appreciate it if someone could translate and post this on the other community boards.)
Ryzom LFG