[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

Virg (atys)
I strongly disagree with the notion that just because PvP players get access to something that means that PvE players should have access through a different path. If that were true .....

It already is true, at least by way of intent. To use your own argument, isn't that what you keep saying about Supernodes .... that if a player doesn't PvP he can always get sups by dealing with KP (assuming it ever comes back).

There's a simple fact, you only need look at ya friends list to verify. If people feel disenfrachised, that they don't have access to the same or similar rewards because they choose a different path, they will leave game. Lose a sizable portion of the population and then the rewards discussion becomes moot, there won't be an Atys. Is it about having a means to work to earn something or is it about keeping the somethings from everyone else ?

Wanna have rewards that are PvP specific ? Why not suggest a 10% armor buff that is "active" only when engaging in PvP ?


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Last visit Пятница, 20 Сентября 12:41:40 UTC

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