[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Tumbleweed --

In the modern world, PvP is restricted to Arenas: Only criminals indulge in PvP on the streets and in the fields. I admit that the possibility of "innocent bystanders" is greatly reduced in the game, but not entirely.

You complain that such restriction will turn it into "competition over rewards, points, titles, ladders, whatever,..." However, the initial purpose of this thread was to call for more rewards for PvP in game. You ignore the fact that the arena idea was put forth as a way to publicize PvP, not as the only possible venue for it.

I will ignore the comments about " farming, leeching, preset matches and cheating of all kinds," since those are altogether possible with any game system; they are not limited to arena matches.

And yes, I do feel competent to give advice; I have real-world experience and I live in the game. I also can think and speak. You may debate me, or just ignore my advice as you wish; I do not pretend to any coercive authority, nor would I want any.

With respect (really) --



Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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