Account and game login problems.

Thank you for that clear and concise answer. The structure of the free/subscription services is interesting. I'll enjoy exploring them. I would argue the value of the subscription, the high amount combined with a subscription rather than a one-time fee, but not here or now.

I am confused about the website though. This forum is "http://app.ryzom.com", which is a sub-domain of "ryzom.com" but you say that domain is an "old site". The former only provides a forum and not any game description, documentation, details of free and subscription services, or any other necessary information. Also, "ryzom.com" is the link used by every RPG related list and review site. If that is an "old site", then what is the URL of the new site that provides the information needed by new and continuing users, and account management services?

I am using a "Guest Login" to post to this forum thread. The forum login does not recognize the account I created even though the game does. The forum main page says to use your character name to login, but I get a "ryDb New Char Error" message from every page after I try that. I have to delete all of the cookies for "ryzom.com" to reset back to the not-logged-in state so I can login as a guest.

I get the same error message in the game for some windows, like in the Identity window for both the OCCUPATIONS and the INFO tab. I think there is a configuration problem with my account. I have found no reference to this error message from searching the Internet.
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Last visit Вторник, 2 Июля 17:33:24 UTC

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