guild hall / apartment bulk upgrades

Well, I'll try to say something constructive here, after all that nonsense posts:

Actually having more than one appartment / guild hall would just cause trouble. First of all, it would mean having numerous inventories somewhere, without having an overview. That gets messy... "Where did I put that amps?!!"
Also, the game code currently just does not support having more than one appartment or guild hall. Changing that WILL not happen and would be a catastrophic task to implement.

Anyhow, giving players the option to buy more bulk is not the worst idea. I see no reason why it would negatively affect gameplay, since that would be a good money sink that helps stabilizing the economy.

It is that simple.

Yours Cotare


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Last visit Пятница, 20 Сентября 18:49:02 UTC

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