Inventory "EQUIP" tab

make for an "unequip" all ...button/checkbox type kind of thing thing - one for each (Jewelries and Armours)

...also make beable to "assemble" "Sets" of things with but it will make for even more added bulkynesses
so one set of Armours will become 50 bulk or something like that
and Jewelries can be for 25 bulks

and so that they would be turned into only one picture/thing, and have just a one square/space underneath from the Jewelries/Armours ones and then we can equip a single "Set" each with so much fewer and less clicks

if there is anything in the ones that we have access to now then the one for equipping a "Set" can be grayed/greyed out or something (and vices versa fro the other way around - if a "Set" is equipped then for all of the other boxes will be made for unusable/unclickable

can make it so that all ofor in a "Set" must be the same q
so can have a q150 "Set of Armours" ...but can be for all of the different Races (or maybe not because of then which colour for the backgrounds)
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Last visit Пятница, 20 Сентября 17:31:45 UTC

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