

#1 Reporter | CiterMultilingue 

Multilingue | [English] | Deutsch | Français | Español | Русский
Creator of the event: Event-Team.
Type of event: Escort.
Appropriate levels: For all. The lower levels may need to join a team.

Date of the event: dimanche 9 Juin 19:00:00 UTC (il y a 3 semaines).
Expected duration: About 2 hour(s).
Meeting place: Avendale Stables.

Homins concerned: Members of Bai Trykali, Inhabitants of Aeden Aqueous and Friends of the Federation.
Synopsis: Fishes scientists need to transport an extremely dangerous cargo from Avendale to the Loria Ponds Research Center. Don't you smell something burning?.

Dernière édition par Ghost of Atys (il y a 4 semaines).

#2 Reporter | CiterMultilingue 

Multilingue | English | [Français]
Tous abasourdis !


#3 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Coucou :)

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Craftjenn, Ranger
Last visit mardi 2 Juillet 02:35:50 UTC

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