
#1 [fr] 

Bonjour, on pourrait avoir un 2eme appartement ou la possibilité d'acheter un nouvel appartement avec le transfert automatique de tout ce qu'il y a dans le premier ? (J'inclinerais pour en avoir 2...)

#2 [fr] 

J'aime bien l'idée comme quoi l'achat d'un autre appartement entraine la fermeture du premier avec transfert automatique de ce qui y est stocké. Un peu comme un service de déménagement, en moins fastidieux.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#3 Multilingue 

+1 (if service is purchasable)

Nice Elyps sink. Possibly it would work as a scheduled event and only offline to simplify procedure.

#4 Multilingue 

Not really a fan of putting lots of things behind the Elyps wall.

That's just me though.



#5 Multilingue 

Not just you. I find them shoehorned solution to inflated economy (aka players rolling in dappers) that is absolutely horrible to new players and is applying less and less.

It's akin to throwing 'content' into slot machine because that requires no work in acquisition phase of said content.

With some extra work a new player transitioning to mainland at appropriate level should have enough wealth to rename their first animal.

But that is discussion that will never happen and so my comment was in current context.
Last visit mercredi 18 Décembre 11:17:31 UTC

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