
#1 Reporter | CiterMultilingue 

Multilingue | [Français] | English | Русский
Nous mettons en place, ce samedi 27 juin 2020, un dispositif permettant de renforcer, pour un temps limité et renouvelable, la capacité des gardes des villes et villages à réagir à la présence d'individus ayant mauvaise réputation auprès de leur nation.
Cette première version est mise en service dans les villes et villages du Jardin Majestueux. En fonction de vos retours, elle pourra être étendue aux autres nations.
Un gong sera mis à disposition près du téléporteur principal de chaque ville, gong que tout joueur pourra faire sonner*.
Au son du gong, les gardes se mettront instantanément en mode Vigilance Renforcée, signalé par des torches brûlant autour des gongs, pour une durée de 10 heures**. Durant cette période, les gardes auront pour mission d'attaquer tout joueur dont la renommée auprès de leur nation serait inférieure à - 40 et dont ils détecteraient (de plus loin qu'à l'ordinaire) la présence.

Nous attendons vos retours et commentaires dans ce fil de discussion.

Nous vous souhaitons un bon jeu et restons à votre disposition.
L'équipe Ryzom.
* Cette action pourrait éventuellement, dans le futur, nécessiter quelques elyps.
** 30 minutes de jeu, durée adaptable en fonction de vos retours.

#2 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

J'aime beaucoup cette idée

#3 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Why the fame limit is set to -40, thus being inconsistent with the rest of the game? Kill on sight starts with fame lower than -50.

Maybe I do not understand its purpose...

Dernière édition par Moniq (il y a 4 ans).

#4 Reporter | CiterMultilingue 

C'est une bonne idée et celà marche trés bien, Maraud repéré (non tag pvp), gong activé et Maraud mort .

Fila les gardes, vous faites du bon boulot.

Il semble que cela ne reste actif qu'une heure et non pas dix^^

Dernière édition par Mendell (il y a 4 ans).


Le Vagabond des Brumes

#5 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

In game I am playing Stormrunner, my fame is -4 with Matis. I am fairly new, only 2 months or so but since the patch I am attacked on sight at Yrkanis. I am not a marauder or anything like that. I am a Pyros that went to Yrkanis as my first city. Something screwy is that I can take missions from the people involving tos town.

#6 Reporter | Citer[en] 

@Stormrunner Thank you for the report, i am already by see whats going wrong. You should not attacket with Fame -1.
Currently its should be ok, but i need see whats happend.

#7 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Guards are fixed :) its working now as its should!

#8 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Why the fame limit is set to -40, thus being inconsistent with the rest of the game? Kill on sight starts with fame lower than -50.

Maybe I do not understand its purpose...

Perhaps -40 is "spy" level. Shoot first ask questions later. *shrug*

This is great though, it makes me consider dropping some fame to shake things up a bit.


Homin Reaper Karavan

#9 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Why the fame limit is set to -40, thus being inconsistent with the rest of the game? Kill on sight starts with fame lower than -50.

Maybe I do not understand its purpose...

Because the Game itself is inconsistent, you can be marauder with higher fame than -50, and nations officially are against marauders... so makes no sense that marauders can just freely walk around in cities. And this actually makes it so that they can still wander around if no player 'reports' them, which is really awesome!


#10 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Nice idea !

Dernière édition par Jenn (il y a 4 ans).

#11 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

It has been fixed for me. I am doing a few quicks quests to break even on the fame just in case, unless you want me to run some tests for you?

#12 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Why the fame limit is set to -40, thus being inconsistent with the rest of the game? Kill on sight starts with fame lower than -50.

Maybe I do not understand its purpose...

Because the Game itself is inconsistent, you can be marauder with higher fame than -50, and nations officially are against marauders... so makes no sense that marauders can just freely walk around in cities. And this actually makes it so that they can still wander around if no player 'reports' them, which is really awesome!
Another issue is no reason to make more :/

#13 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Why the fame limit is set to -40, thus being inconsistent with the rest of the game? Kill on sight starts with fame lower than -50.

Maybe I do not understand its purpose...

Because the Game itself is inconsistent, you can be marauder with higher fame than -50, and nations officially are against marauders... so makes no sense that marauders can just freely walk around in cities. And this actually makes it so that they can still wander around if no player 'reports' them, which is really awesome!
Another issue is no reason to make more :/

Alors pourquoi je ne peux pas me promener librement dans le camp Maraudeur malgré qu'on leur ai cédés un bout du Royaume ?


Tapco di Juice, Herën de l'Ordre Alkiane

#14 Reporter | Citer[en] 

So we attacked Yrkanis earlier and definitely shook things up a lot with the increased aggro range mode! Really like this idea.

The only small downside I see is there are very few methods to lower your fames so if someone chose to click & renounce down their fame it presents a somewhat trolling option for people to ring the gong. Therefore between -40 and -50 fame, the clicking method becomes somewhat at the mercy of others. So I am in favour of the gong costing Elpys (obviously more in favour of marauder fame missions but gong cost is the easier solution).

Tapco you can try to come to our camp if you want! It just won't end well for you :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#15 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

So we attacked Yrkanis earlier and definitely shook things up a lot with the increased aggro range mode! Really like this idea.

The only small downside I see is there are very few methods to lower your fames so if someone chose to click & renounce down their fame it presents a somewhat trolling option for people to ring the gong. Therefore between -40 and -50 fame, the clicking method becomes somewhat at the mercy of others. So I am in favour of the gong costing Elpys (obviously more in favour of marauder fame missions but gong cost is the easier solution).

Tapco you can try to come to our camp if you want! It just won't end well for you :)

Peut-on limiter l'utilisation de l'alerte aux Matis ayant une renommée supérieur à 50 par exemple ?


Tapco di Juice, Herën de l'Ordre Alkiane
Last visit samedi 28 Septembre 16:50:23 UTC

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