
#1 Reporter | Citer[en] 

The mission to look out for a number of different species in Knot of Dementia (iirc given by the Kami at the teleporter), displays no species names anymore after I login the next day (see attached screenshot). It worked yesterday when I aquired the mission. The missing species is the Madakam.


#2 Reporter | Citer[en] 


I have quite often this bug (no need to quit and relog to see it) D

This is a very minor bug, as the mob names are in the window.

Write /tar bodoc, /tar womb etc if you are not too far, it will be ok

#3 Reporter | Citer[en] 

ho sorry - you said there's no Madakam in the zone ?

For some homins, it can be seen as a bug. For others no - at work, nobody gave you an impossible task to do? (for ex: a perfect stuff, for yesterday) ? LOL

#4 Reporter | Citer[en] 

(and some of that 'impossible mission' to do... sometimes are still achievable. as you can pull a mob near the border, into the zone you need, then tar it D)

#5 Reporter | Citer[de] 

Könnte vielleicht mit dem Speicher-Zyklus alle 7min(?) zu tun haben. Wenn es nicht gesichert wurde, heißt der Client wurde nicht mit "Beenden" im Spiel geschlossen, sondern das Fenster, könnte es sein, dass es nicht gesichert wird und beim nächsten Start wird es wieder angezeigt...

Das passiert mir vor allem wenn der Client abstürzt... aber auch wenn ich den Client Prozess töte.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Heernis (il y a 5 ans).


Nicht klicken!

#6 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Der Client wurde jeweils regulär beendet, ist nicht abgestürzt und folglich sollte alles ordnungsgemäß gesichert worden sein.

@Jenn: all animals can be found in the region (I've seen each before) So yes, this is purely a display issue and I expect that I can still finish it once I find (again) the missing one.

I'm not looking for a work-around. This is purely a bug-report. Assuming that this forum constitutes the bug tracker to collect all bugs and provides the best overview... if there's any other comprehensive place to collect them, better suited and searchable than than a forum with only uncategorized entries, I shall gladly go there.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Elke (il y a 5 ans).


#7 Reporter | Citer[de] 

@Elke ich werde es mal heute Abend testen. Aber bisher ist mir sowas noch nie aufgefallen.

Da du deinen Client selbst kompiliert hast... Welche Version verwendest du?

Aufgaben werden mit KanBoard intern verwaltet, wenn Tamarea dir Zugriff gegeben hat, wäre es tatsächlich besser, dort die Liste der Bugs einzutragen.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Heernis (il y a 5 ans).


Nicht klicken!

#8 Reporter | Citer[en] 

ryzom_client FV (built on 2020-05-06 15:20:29)

which should be
commit ada46dfabcf0b17261fa8b7876778e458d077fb9 (HEAD -> atys, origin/atys)


#9 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I use to have this issue - and without any quit or crash D

But, what I can say is worthless...

#10 Reporter | Citer[en] 

This is purely a bug-report. Assuming that this forum constitutes the bug tracker to collect all bugs and provides the best overview...

I think there is no other place at this moment, except ticket or contacting CSR directly. By the way, this issue has own task #6208 already (as well as ticket #11647).

if there's any other comprehensive place to collect them, better suited and searchable than than a forum with only uncategorized entries, I shall gladly go there.

You need to become a member of the Project Bugs

#11 Reporter | Citer[en] 

except ticket or contacting CSR directly.
The issue is that, if they can't reproduce the bug, they close the ticket...

#12 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hm... I'm not convinced anymore that it's related to (re-)login...

I now get the same issue with a(nother) mission I took from Cuigio Stalli in Haven of Purity directly when taking it.


#13 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Oui, je te dis que j'ai quasi tout le temps ce bug :)

Rien à voir avec un plantage ou le fait de quitter.

Last visit mardi 28 Janvier 16:45:56 UTC

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