

#1 Reporter | Citer[en] 


After the recent shock of being shot in the face by friends at supernodes, I will be attending supernodes for the foreseeable future in full battle gear for the express purpose of protecting my friends and hunting my enemies.

Lands of Umbra are a dangerous place. With kinchers, vorax, marauders and fake rangers acting like marauders, it pays to set aside our differences for the common good. So I will be creating leagues open to diggers, fighters and mages of all factions who would like to dig or help keep the peace.

After all, supernodes are not for digging without friends. You are better off having me as a friend than an enemy. Believe me.

Thanks :)


#2 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Do you have any evidence about acting of those false Rangers?

#3 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Do you have any evidence about acting of those false Rangers?

Kalamari still a thing?


#4 Reporter | Citer[en] 


After the recent shock of being shot in the face by friends at supernodes

Damn I wish I was alive so I could shoot you in face too XD


#5 Reporter | Citer[en] 

xD Lac :)

Monique you can always ask Zarden and Muebli :P I dont imagine they would deny it.


#6 Reporter | Citer[en] 

First off, I would like to dispel the notion that Rangers are anti-PvP. There are some well-known Rangers who have made the personal choice to not bear arms against homins, and I know of one such person who is a zealot who feels that their personal decisions to refrain from PvP and using TPs should be blanket restrictions that should make mandatory for all, but the simple truth is that Rangers are as diverse in opinion as other factions, much to the chagrin of the tyrannical gatekeepers amongst our ranks.

It's also worth noting that many who engage in PvP do, in fact, consider PvP "a friendly game". To some, it's part of Ryzom, and Ryzom is a friendly game. Whether you agree or not is immaterial; that is how they legitimately feel. I don't like it myself, but there are plenty of things I don't like that I accept anyways because I know that the universe does not revolve around me.

Now that that's off my chest....

Personally, I rarely go to PR unless I'm equipped to fight at a moments notice. And I know that not all fights will be against leezards and kittens; that orange banner that shows up whenever I enter PR says so. That is especially true during times when I know that those who are hungry enough for resources to fight over them may be around. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

I'm not much for PvP, and I don't go seeking fights, but I have shown up for many Sup-digs as nothing other than a bodyguard who will engage any threat to my allies, regardless of whether or not the threats are fellow homins. If I happen to be on at season change, I would be willing to help those I consider friends (like the Beef Herd) dig in safety.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#7 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Fair point, Gidget :) maybe the "fake ranger" crack was a bit out of line. I do enjoy having something to be fired up about, and a reason to get out of bed at 4am for season change.

I feel like attacking diggers in PR is more about forcing ones idea of the game onto other people, or often a war of attrition more than a desire for actual competetive PvP. But having said that, it is and always has been a PvP zone and if tuning the supernodes into a warzone is what some want, so be it :)


#8 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Stop crying dammit there must be some fun on SN and by what i know Larmes have left Kalamar and with your army non can harm you lol and you still cry cause easy digging on SN may come to its end.


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#9 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hello Beeficus,

I would have preferred to discuss this with you rather than with all Atys, but I have nothing to hide or to be ashamed of, so let's do it this way.

I realized the hard hit it was for you when it was already too late - and you didn't give me the opportunity to discuss this after. I've not been on SNS for months, and I think we've never done them together, so I did not realize we had very different expectations about them. As far as I can recall, SNS have always been about fighting for me. Against Kamis when I was part of Karavan, against Maras after that, and more recently when we were part of the KaLaMar, against Kamis again - sorry Alexarwe, we blew you up more than a few time, but it didn't keep us from having a nice tell and sharing a few tips. Sometimes there was no one around and we dug a lot, sometimes we managed to kill our enemies, sometimes we got wrecked, that's life on Atys for me.

At some point we were even fighting against our KaLaMar allies on SNS; we hardly had the numbers to make it against Shadowalkers but it was always good moments, even if we didn't dig much we still managed to give them a hard time with low numbers and a pair of launchers. It really was not about mats - we would sometimes end up sharing them  - but about having some fun fighting together. For me SNS is a nice fight like an opwar can be; when it's balanced it's very intense, when it's not it can be boring if you win and very challenging when you loose. That's for these moments that I play Ryzom.

So yes, Larmes left KaLaMar, and in my mind it was a logical move to bring back some PvP on SNS. We talked about opwar when I announced it to you, about bosshunts, but we forgot SNS. I'm sorry you took it personally, my intention was not to hurt you.

I won't comment about the Rangers we are - we have choosen our path, it's the same one my guild has been following since the very beginning and it won't change anytime soon. Whether people like it or not, that's what we are.

I hope we can talk about it together sometime soon, I would be very sad to loose your friendship.

#10 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I won't comment about the Rangers we are - we have choosen our path, it's the same one my guild has been following since the very beginning and it won't change anytime soon. Whether people like it or not, that's what we are.

Those of you who attack other homins are no Rangers.

#11 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Je suis choquée par les petites phrases sibilines de Moniq

"Those of you who attack other homins are no Rangers"
"Do you have any evidence about acting of those false Rangers?"

Mais pour qui se prend elle ? Que sait elle des accords écrits que Ingfarah a eu lors de sa prise de décision de passer les Larmes neutres tout en faisant du PVP ?

Nous ne venons pas embêter ceux qui ne veulent faire que du RP, mais s'il vous plait, restez à votre place et les vaches seront bien gardées .....

#12 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Beef, you know how much Larmes love you !!!
Com'on Baby, come back, and you'll have a kiss on next Christmas :)

#13 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Those of you who attack other homins are no Rangers.

Neither are those who seek to impose their will on others like tyrants instead of allowing freedom, or those that place their own prejudice above the lives of their companions. 

Now, if you truly want to get PvP out of Rangers, then you can start by making a faction that has access to 250/PR regions that does not require swearing allegiance to a higher power or a goverment. And don't you dare to try pulling that "Neutrality has a price" malarkey!

Dernière édition par Gidget (il y a 5 ans).


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#14 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Im not interested in your excuses or whining, this is how it is now. You reap what you sow.


#15 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Actually after talking to Zarden I have changed my mind. I am not going to go out of my way or lose sleep for the sake of hunting a few LL who don't even need materials.

I will be happy to protect other diggers when I am at supernodes with friends, but other than that you are all on your own.

Dernière édition par Beeficus (il y a 5 ans).


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