
#36 [en] 


1.  What I was trying to say is that the NPC list on Silenda predates the existence of the Wiki,  Ryzom Armory's and even BM's existence.  Credit (correct or not as the case may be) for the initial NPC name listing and location should therfore be  theirs .  Their Mapping and NPC List was 1st published in December, 2004 and been updated by the player base since then.  One of the great features of the map there is that any player can add new data to the mapping.  The Yubo Maps Bunny Tool was, with permission, based upon this data.  I went searching for looka because I had seen it on Silenda and wanted to locate the NPC for the tool and never found it.  I expect, that's what started Krinseus on the hunt leading to that post.  i started with the NPC list on Silenda, tried to find them on BM and then tried to find ones BM didn't have.   As i[m sure you have discovered these guys have as many as 6 locations and the maps usually have only a few of them.

2. If I can help, I have locations of all the NPCs listed in the spreadsheet at the link I gave you.  See below.  These were planned to be incorporated into Yubo Maps 2.0 but its author has suspended activity for the near future.  Looking for volunteers to continue work on this project.

3.  That post I linked to is not about BM Tracker.  That link is the "user manual" for the "Tribe Fame Bunny Tool".  The post begins with a one sentence warning that one should not risk running into a tribe camp before verfying that your fame is higher than -50.01 and that the BM Fame Tracker can be used to keep you from getting KoS'd.  After that 1st line, the post describes how to uses the tool, the purpose of which is all about finding the names, titles and locations of all of the tribe NPC's and tracking a player's progress raising tribe fame.

All Bunny Tools began their lives as spreadsheets, some of those have been converted into the In game App; many have not and remain as SSs made available to players upon request.  The Fame Bunny Tool is one that has not.  This SS is intended to be used by a player who wants to track the progress working Tribe Fame and assist the player in accomplishing that task.

The information in the Bunny Tool SS lists:

Columns A - D contain Tribe Name, Race, Faction (Religion) and Location
Columns E - H contain Starting Fame for a Kami dude / dudette
Columns I - J is where the user can record their own fame progress
Columns K - N contain maximum Fame for a Kami dude / dudette
Columns 0 contains how much fame the player needs to max out fame with each tribe.

Now comes the part of interest to you .... the NPC names, titles, fame req'ts and locations:

Columns P - U contain the Tribe NPCs that are in camp.  The wiki seems to be pretty up to date with these guys.

P - Tribe Chief
Q - Outpost Officer
R - Tribe Welcomer ( > -65 Fame)
S - Local / Frontier / Outlands Supplier (> 0 Fame)
T - Master / Apprentice Overseer ( > 0 Fame)
U - Ambassador to Higher Powers ( > 0 Fame)

Columns V - X contain the wandering Tribe NPCs that have no fame requirement.  The wiki, BM Maps and Silenda are missing a significant portion of these.  The ones w/ yellow background were not listed on any web sites when the tool was 1st created.   When I started doing tribe fame, the ones that could not be found listed on any web sites, were added in blue text.

V - Patroller (No Fame Req't)
W - Scout (No Fame Req't)
X - Journeyman (No Fame Req't)

Columns Y - Z contain the wandering Tribe NPCs that do have a fame requirement.  Again, the available locations sources (wiki, BM Maps and Silenda) were missing about 1/3 of these.  Again, you can see which of those that could not be found anywhere, at those periods are marked as above.

We have had a bounty offered for the discovery of any new tribe NPCs for over 2 years and so far no player has collected.  Lookaash was the most recent one I found.  Having gone looking for Looka after seeing it on silenda, I wrote it off as removed from game.  But when I got a mission to deliver something to Lookaash, and found Lookaash where Looka was shown on the Silenda map, made the assumption that the person who added Lookaash to the Silenda map, mispelled it.  During the course of maxing nation and all tribe fames in Loria, I have not as yet been given a mission mentioning Looka.  i did asked game staffer to advise if Looka existed or was a mispelling of Lookaash and the response pointed to location which is Lookaash's normal spot.

So, in summary ... the next version of Yubo Maps was intended to include the
location of all tribe NPCs that are shown in the Fame BT ... this list includes about 100 that I could not find listed on BM or anywhere else.    There's several versions of this tool with less columns and rearranged differently.  If ya like, i can give you versions by region and w/o the columns for starting and max fames, player fame etc and you can paste or link in wiki.

As for each wandering NPC having as many as 6 locations, been rolling that over in my head for a long time and have not figured a way to address

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 4 ans).


#37 [fr] 

O'Arty Jichy, Hunter

Mac'Laughan Deper, Tribe Host

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Dorothee (il y a 4 ans).


#38 [en] 

The translate function doesn't work on images .... but I gather the issue is that Kidniaks is the issue here.  Also, I assume this was not a "Daily Mission" just one you took from the NPC for building fame or collecting rewards.

Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 4 ans).


#39 [en] 

Ran into same mission as Hayt's Post again

Mission No: C0011V006_31147
Location: Lands of Loria
Giver: Ba'Neppy Breggie
Problem: No Reticule produced, No 197+ Armas

Easy solution would be to change to 192 Ferocious Armas

Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 4 ans).


#40 [en] 

Same as Post #25 ... this time no reticule on either


#41 [en] 

Mission No. C004V001_31125
Mission Giver: Ba'Duffy Gaxy
Mission: Kill (2) Kidniak


#42 [en] 

All infor in image
Flag pops no target reticle,
Mob does not exist

Suggest use level 208 Ferocious Wombai


#43 [en] 

Got that one (post 42)  again today

Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 3 ans).


#44 [en] 


#45 [en] 

No Great Kipesta

Mission calls for Level 235 Flesh. Hitting the flag thingie toproduce the red reticule has no effect,nothing appears.  See image at link above all info thereon

Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 3 ans).


#46 [en] 

See post 44 ...


#47 [en] 

C011V001_30927: can't be confirmed, I have found Great Najabs lvl 248 in LL
Can confirm it too, i've also seen Great Najab today. He was wandering (west wall) from kami teleporter puddles to Gusty Gorge Workshop and back. In company with Death Najab.
Update: They (Great Najabs) are slacking in band of at least of 2.

Edité 4 fois | Dernière édition par Hayt (il y a 2 ans).

Last visit samedi 15 Juin 16:39:44 UTC

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