
#44 [en] 

That's a well known fact.

#45 [en] 

I don't want to kill the party but do you realize the forum idea is about 1620 topic created? (not counting accepted and refused which would bring the total value to 1677)

.. 1677-1620 = 48/1677 realized/accepted client idea's, not even 3% over 10 long years.

Let's say we have 10 answer to each topic at average, its about ~ +16k comments of clients, made with effort and passion about the game.

And here I'm talking about topic that are ignored, never answered and overlooked by the officials

Maybe because we are not geniuses and the selection of ideas must be based on the best ones ? Perhaps it would be stupid to set up and have to go backwards because of a complaint from the players ? And that some ideas can make players angry knowing that there are only a few people who read the forum ?
Or maybe I'm wrong and you're really a genius because every time you run out of arguments when I talk to you ...

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Balkhog (il y a 4 ans).

#46 [en] 

No. This forum section is mainly not read by the Ryzom Team.

#47 [en] 

and the selection of ideas must be based on the best ones



#48 [en] 

No. This forum section is mainly not read by the Ryzom Team.

Of course not! Why would it be? It's not like they're CDPR :p


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#49 [en] 

Actually, by whatever means reached, it seems to me that the one or the other idea offered here does make it on into the ears of some GMs and/or devs... since some actually do get included within the patches actually provided ;) ( at least that seems to me to be the case ). Assuming i am not just imagining that, then calculating how much this forum for ideas has historically influenced the further development / improvement of Atys based upon the various statuses (accepted etc) just might miss the mark by a bit. (imho of course ;)

The ideas presented here, while in fact getting noticed, would then normally simply get reflected upon in private by GMs and devs without their commenting about their initial or other findings thereupon. The giving of ideas here can then continue unabated without risk of its turning into a pro / con discussion of individual ideas as they are given. <-- sounds to me at least plausible and even clever. 8)

#50 [en] 

The only real problem I have with storage is the event releated items.   A Candy Cane could share "bulk" with the punpkin stick for example .... essentially, one item multiple skins ... Pumpkin Hat reskinned is an elf hat.  And yes, you'd have to earn each skin.


#51 Multilingue 

I propose cloud storage for more storage space. This also must come with the Yubo Kaetemi mentions. After cloud storage is implemented KOD attacks the server room and all mats stored in the cloud are lost forever. You can now start a new collection of mats.

#52 [en] 

Ok, I see two different usages here:
  • Permanent, long-term storage for items that you're only going to use seldom. Hoarding supremes to make a boosted maga amp, for example.
  • Temporary storage for convenience. For example, accumulating some thousands of excellent materials to make a few boosted armillo sets, or just for the convenience of not having to stop and craft.
Now, for the long-term storage needs, I believe apartments and guild halls are quite fine as they are. I don't see a lot of folks chafing under this limitation, except for a few players that dig and dig and dig and end up with thousands of supremes and excellents.

The problem is compounded because people do keep a lot of less-than-needed materials around. Killed some choice named? Chuck its parts in the guild hall, regardless of how useful the materials are. Dig 500 excellent zun? Chuck it there, you never know when you're going to need to make 20 amps at once.

So, for the folks that require a lot more storage, I propose space rental (and I know it's nothing new).One would pay a small price, say 7500 dappers per day per extra 1k bulk (in apartement) / 5k bulk (in guild hall). The dappers could be subtracted directly from the player or from the guild funds. Per year it's something akin to 2 million dappers, which isn't a lot.

Should you go into arrears, you get a 7-day grace period to pay back the money owed. Fail to do that, and the stuff in storage goes to the merchants to be auctioned off; first with 9000% markup, going down each day for another 7 days until it reaches 0% markup. This would ensure that the feature only works for somewhat active players, and it would indirectly help the crafters by sometimes throwing materials (and/or equipment) on the market.

But unconditionally adding more storage? No. People with hoarding tendencies would just keep on hoarding, and 1 year later we would get the same kind of complaint about "insufficient space".

Dernière édition par Laoviel (il y a 4 ans).


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#53 [en] 

But unconditionally adding more storage? No. People with hoarding tendencies would just keep on hoarding, and 1 year later we would get the same kind of complaint about "insufficient space".

I read that as "I see no problem with having 2-10 alt guilds per active toon, so there's no reason to fix anything".

Hoarders will hoard, regardless. If you try to make it a dapper-sink then the cure will be worse than the disease, so folks will ignore your pseudo-solution and keep doing what they have done for years.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#54 [en] 

I think the only solution is to increase character wide storage but also add anti hoarding measure such as raw materials spoiling over time.

what i would suggest is resources spoil over a period of x-years but in staid of a realtime countdown bind it to a season or year counter. (real time like resale timers, would create to many separate)
*example* timer/tooltip displays:
(total 2 years if seasonal)
Gained: Spring 2607
Spoils: Spring 2609
(total 8 years if yearly)
Gained: 2607
Spoils: 2615

1: all 'bark' gained in a season stacks with the same season+year
(stacks of bark: spring 2607, summer 2607, autumn 2607, winter 2607, spring 2608, summer 2608, autumn 2608, winter 2608, spoiled stack)
2: all 'bark' gained in a year stacks with the same year
(stacks of bark: 2607, 2608, 2609, 2610, 2611, 2612, 2613, 2614, 2615, spoiled stack)

#1 would be shorter gaps between digs from ending up on the same stack then #2 would, while #2 has potential for longer periods vs nr of stacks but if you dig bark at the end of winter 2608 it will spoil just as fast as bark dug in spring of the same year.


#55 [en] 

I read that as "I see no problem with having 2-10 alt guilds per active toon, so there's no reason to fix anything".

Hoarders will hoard, regardless. If you try to make it a dapper-sink then the cure will be worse than the disease, so folks will ignore your pseudo-solution and keep doing what they have done for years.

I'm trying to think in terms of energy flow through the path of least resistance, applied to economy.

You know, music piracy wasn't curbed via drastic anti-piracy measures, but instead with the creation of alternative avenues -- streaming services. The comparison actually works, if you think that die-hard pirates still pirate, regardless of how accessible their media is. But for MANY people, a small payment to Spotify or Youtube Premium is preferable.

Back to game:

Currently, if you want to store several thousands of materials, your ONLY option is to make alts. Several. As many as needed.

Well, my point is, give people an alternative. Willl some of them fail to use it? Sure. Will some of them accept it? I believe they will, if the price is right.

Consider that the alt route isn't painless, on the contrary, it involves using several toons, logging and relogging your main character, or subscribing several accounts. Are there people that would highly prefer doing a few extra crafting missions, get some money, and avoid this hassle? I believe so.


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#56 Multilingue 

i do like the idea of rental storage, if possible, please, also for F2P because it would somewhat alleviate problems caused by one's subscription running out, making the interim less painful to overbridge, should (as is currently the case with me) an interim period come into being for whatever reason.

So this time i do definitely ++ your suggestion. Laoviel 8)

One consider also the beneficial gentle nudging of the F2P towards subbing instead that the such preview experience of having more storage would effect.. 8D

#57 [en] 

I'm trying to think in terms of energy flow through the path of least resistance, applied to economy.

You know, music piracy wasn't curbed via drastic anti-piracy measures, but instead with the creation of alternative avenues -- streaming services. The comparison actually works, if you think that die-hard pirates still pirate, regardless of how accessible their media is. But for MANY people, a small payment to Spotify or Youtube Premium is preferable.

Back to game:

Currently, if you want to store several thousands of materials, your ONLY option is to make alts. Several. As many as needed.

Well, my point is, give people an alternative. Willl some of them fail to use it? Sure. Will some of them accept it? I believe they will, if the price is right.

Consider that the alt route isn't painless, on the contrary, it involves using several toons, logging and relogging your main character, or subscribing several accounts. Are there people that would highly prefer doing a few extra crafting missions, get some money, and avoid this hassle? I believe so.

I don't see it as strong enough incentive, especially not considering the years of Ryzom steadfastly refusing to do anything at all that would make life easier/better. Storage has been an issue for over a decade now. If there were any chance at all of it ever being changed in any way, shape, or form, it would've happened years ago.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#58 [en] 

Things have changed recently ... with all the events and special Xmas, Halloween, Easter, etc items ... the collectors among us, it would be convenient to to have a space to "virtually" store these items.

This could be done simply by having a separate storage space for event items ... or just by the post event patch setting the Item Bulk to 0.  The virtual storage space could have a cooldown such that if you want to "bring it out of your storage" locker... you have to wait X number of days.

Personally, I'm fine with the game's storage options.  I use two storage alts but they don't have apartments or packers.   They are only for guild storage.

One holds mats commonly used standard like a) TGIS mats for HA sets ... SMGV mats for LA s... standard polnts jools ... exe zun and  the crappy amp mats amp fiber and bark mats .... Excess cats / flowers are stored there ....

Every 6 months or so will make 20 sets of HP / Focus LA ... a dozen exe amps and put them in the 2nd storage GH.  When a guild does their periodic mass craft day where they aim for boosts and then don't have room in their GH for the non-boosts and degrades, when lucky enough to be around on the receiving end of their spring cleaning, these go in there.

On the personal storage level .... Im not much of a hoarder.   I lost all my nostagic stuff in merge ... and Im not inclined to save the rewards from Silan.   If I have 1 better than the other, the other gets tossed or given away.  Not one to have a series of "outfits"  ...  don't give  a hoot about how toon looks.   But as others are into collecting, or "Vogueing" as the song goes, a distinction has or at least should be made between what one needs and what one is just afraid of making a decision on what to throw away.   Do you really need those Level 170 sups, you save back when you were level 150 ?  

Are they resouces or clutter ?  I have to go thu GH as, for reasons i can't understand ... we have partial sets of armor and jools that I have to dump quarterly.   If ya can't seem to let go of clutter, and just don't want to part with anything,  just in case .... well there's a 12 step program for that :)

One can only really use one set of any particular gear at a time and there's plenty of storage for that ... there's plenty of storage for a backup ... or 2.  If you just have to keep things because you are a collector and want to pull them out occasionaly like easter bonnets, thats a horse of a different color.

Virtual storage where you could put stuff away "in the attic" where it was in a separate tab and where everything had 0 bulk, would I think satisfy most.  Your event related (i.e. Atysmas) gear would automatically (if checkbox checked) be moved to bag when next year's event started and back out when it ended... if ya didnt have the room, the popup would say you don't have the room just as when doing a player exchange.  No craft mats in virtual storage.

As to simply increasing what we have now, I have mixed feelings ... really don't care one way of the other for myself.  However ... after watching folks grinding jools with sup zun pre-merge because they had 10k and might as well use it up ... and 1 man guilds with 40,000 Sups, I understand the logic of why a limit exists..... to inhibit hoarding.

It's a topic that has come up many times and there's been many threads over the years.    Whether it gets on the list or doesn't would seem to depend on the popularity of the proposal # for versus # against and how that measures up against the dev's vision for the game.  That fact that it keeps coming back indicates an issue that some folks feel strongly about.  The fact that it hasn't been implemented, tells another story.

Virtual storage for event gear and collectables and such... it's something that I  would support ... likely would not use as have little need atm.   But years down the road when there 1 new halloween weapon and differnt armor sets and lingerie, I could see it coming in handy.  More storage so I can store 8 sets of focus and 8 sets of dig LA ... 4 sets of sup HA plus the mats to make 40 more... nah, let other folks have a chnace to get some.

i think virtual storage is a nice middle ground that bothn PoVs could live with.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 4 ans).


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