
#1 Reporter | CiterMultilingue 

Multilingue | English | [Deutsch] | Español | Français

Von Beteiligung zu Elyps

Seit einiger Zeit kannst du bei dynamischen Events (DE) Beteiligungspunkte sammeln. Weitere Belohnungen werden in Kürze zu denjenigen hinzugefügt, die du bereits bei offiziellen Händlern erhalten kannst. (Imperialer Händler in Pyr, königlicher Händler in Yrkanis, Föderaler Händler in Fairhaven, Dynastischer Händler in Zora und dem Händler im Lager der Marodeure.)


Die Anzahl der bisher verteilten Beteiligungspunkte ist sehr hoch, so dass wir festgestellt haben, dass die Spieler nun Schwierigkeiten haben, diese zu lesen. Das ist der Grund, warum die Einführung dieser neuen Belohnungen mit dem "Anstrich" einer "Währungsreform" verbunden sein wird. Und zwar:
  • die Anzahl der Beteiligungspunkte, die von jedem Spielercharakter seit dem Auftreten der dynamischen Events im Spiel gesammelt wurden, wird auf das Hundertestel (das Komma wird um 3 Stellen nach vorn verschoben) der aktuellen Anzahl reduziert;
  • Die Anzahl der Beteiligungspunkte, die während eines dynamischen Events verteilt werden, ist nun geringer und hängt auch von der Art des Events ab;
  • Der einheitliche Preis der Beteiligungspunkten bei Belohnungen, die von einem offiziellen Händler erworben wurden, wird nun ebenfalls durch 100 geteilt, wodurch der oben genannte Verlust genau ausgeglichen wird.
  • Um diese Senkung des Preises für Belohnungen arithmetisch zu ermöglichen, werden offizielle Händler ihre Gegenstände nicht mehr einzeln, sondern in Paketen verkaufen. Das heißt:
  • Allzweck-Rohstoffe und Erfahrungskatalysatoren werden nun in Paketen von 999 Stück (d.h. einem kompletten Bündel) zum Verkauf angeboten;
  • Die SAP-Kristalle werden nun in Paketen von 100 Stück zum Verkauf angeboten.

Art der neuen Belohnungen

Um zu beginnen (andere Belohnungen werden später hinzugefügt), erlauben die Beteiligungspunkte den Besitzern, neben den bereits verfügbaren Belohnungen auch andere zu erhalten:
  • von dem offiziellen Händler, die Reduzierung des Restbetrags ihrer Todesstrafe um 25, 50, 75 oder 100%;
  • von einem Stallburschen in einer Hauptstadt (oder einem Marodeur-Lager), die (Um-)Benennung der Tiere (Reittier, Packtier oder Zig) mit dem eigenen Namen, einem beliebigen Namen oder einem Namen ihrer Wahl*.
  • (*) Die Kosten der Beteiligungspunkte dieser (Um)benennung (die "Eintragung in das Register" im Spiel) eines Tieres unter einem von seinem Besitzer gewählten Namen werden zunächst (zum Zeitpunkt der Einführung dieser neuen Belohnung im Spiel) für alle interessierten Besitzer besonders hoch sein, danach aber regelmäßig auf stabile, endgültige Kosten sinken.

Über die "Beteiligung"

Diese Änderungen sind für uns eine Gelegenheit, die Bedeutung der Beteiligungspunkte zu klären (oder daran zu erinnern), oder, genauer gesagt, ihre Einbeziehung in das Rollenspiel und ihre Interpretation durch die Lore zu klären. So wie die an New Horizons bezahlten Dappers es jedem ermöglichen, dank einer "Zeitauslassung (time ellipsis)" in wenigen Sekunden von einer Stadt in eine andere zu reisen, ermöglichen die Beteiligungspunkte Aktionen, die normalerweise zeitaufwendig sind, in wenigen Sekunden durchzuführen.Daher können sie als Einheiten der ausgesetzten Zeit betrachtet werden, die es dem Besitzer ermöglichen, im Handumdrehen verschiedene und vielfältige Aufgaben auszuführen, wie z.B.:[/list]
  • Missionen im Namen einer Nation oder Organisation, die durch einen offiziellen Händler vertreten wird, durchzuführen, Missionen, deren Erfolg wie üblich belohnt wird;
  • die gewöhnlich erforderlichen Aktionen durchführen, um die Todesstrafe (bis zum völligen Erlöschen) zu reduzieren.
Diese Interpretation erlaubt es uns daher der "Belohnung" für die Beteiligungspunkte ein breites Spektrum an neuen Aktivitäten und Möglichkeiten vorzustellen...Und das führt dazu, dass wir den besagten "Punkt" umbenennen: er wird zu einem Elyps!

Edité 7 fois | Dernière édition par Maupas (il y a 5 ans). | Raison: DE version added


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Reporter | CiterMultilingue 

Super cool! ty for this latest inovation 8)

#3 Reporter | Citer[en] 

What about finding what to give to players (actual rewards), before introducing a new (and useless) currencies once again?


#4 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Good :)


Sujet Matis
Alkiën de l'Ordre Alkiane

#5 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I don't get this, but okay I guess!



#6 Reporter | CiterMultilingue 

Looking into this:

[Old currency] 1 Sup Q500 sap crystal costs 11 Faction Points, whereas:
[New Currency] 100 Sup Q500 sap crystals costs 12 Elips, providing you complete "a lengthy task".

This means that there's no direct comparison between old and new but, on the face of things, Elips look to be more lucrative than the old Faction Points system.

When taking into consideration, Elips are harder to earn than the old faction points (you earn 17 Elips for each daily mission you complete which can be anything from Crafting/Foraging/Hunting or Package Delivery) means that 1 mission will earn you 100 Sup Q500 sap crystals / per mission completed vs 1100 [Old] faction points, it still seems more lucrative.

The downside to this is, what does "a lengthy task mean"? There is no mission description, or text anywhere to tell a player what the mission entails. Even right clicking on the mission opens a blank window which offers no explanation.

Again, taking aside Sap crystals, you can also use Elips to buy experience catalysers and generic materials (same as the old faction points system) but, in my mind, the question begs: What decision was made to remove the faction picks because they can't be bought with Elips? To those master diggers, who are looking for every bit of focus, the boost gained from using a faction pick is helpful, or at least it used to be. What happens once players have adopted the new Elips system and have run out of faction points? No more Faction Picks, or do they have to complete old missions alongside new missions to earn both rewards?? etc etc

In summary, whilst it seems that the new Elips system is more rewarding it, in truth, further devalues the Atys economy by making the old system redundant (there are still plenty of people with lots of Faction points stored up from completing daily occupations).

Overall, would be nice to see the new system finished, instead of left in it's seemingly half-finished state.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Bubbason (il y a 5 ans).


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)

#7 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Agree, also I would like to see something else than generic materials, sap crystals and xp catalyzer.. i mean.. common, people like me have no use for these things :/
Why would i grind that elyps thingy is a mystery

Dernière édition par Revvy (il y a 5 ans).


#8 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Give how few dynamic events I've seen since they were added, I'm still wondering why I would even care about this.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#9 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Personally, I would much rather participate in dynamic events than have to do the boring occupations to buy sap crystals.

#10 Reporter | Citer[en] 

1.  Don't really see an issue here ... like getting rid of pennies.  Possibly addresses a potential integer value issue as well as reading the numbers ... like 2^16 limit of 65,536.  So instead of getting paid on pennies, we get paid in dollars.  Rewards and costs have same factor involved so no real change.  So "reform wise", nothing has really changed. We basically went from paying in pesos or yen to dollars / Euro.

2.  New rewards ....

a) You can buy faction death penalty reduction and now those that don't subscribe to the higher powers can too.  Cool.

b)  You can buy names for your animals.... Ok cool, not forced on anyone.

c)   Ok I like the naming thing ... but if we gonna have names .... we gotta have colors .... How much for hair dye ?

3.  Lore ... not really interested.

As to concerns expressed ... let's look at this.

To earn 36 products, for NH fair to say a time investment of 1-2 hours.  That would earn you ...

100 Fame = 7200 faction points / 360,000 dappers
 50 Fame = 1800 faction points / 180,000 dappers

I never liked this arrangement ... wasn't really fair to neutrals, rangers and marauders.  Seemed that a fairer way would be to allow  each person to spend half their total fame:

100-75-25 could spend the 100 ... 100% x 36 mats in nationn that they were 100 in ... 1 visit / all done .... or 75 in one spot / 25 in another

50-50-50-50 guy could spend 50 in 2 lands or 25 in 4 lands.

Using Bubba's numbers, if I did math right, old way was 100 QL500 crystals would cost you 1100 points.  A days NH would net you @ 650 crystals.

The new way you can get on average 12 Elypsies (depending on settings) per mission for 7 missions... so you'd get 700 crystals.   ... pretty much same thing.  Tho if you set no fame restrictions, you get 18 per mission or just about 1050 crystals.  So yes potentially more lucrative ... but you not getting fame, you not getting dapper (other than what mission gives you anyway).

I haven't experienced any "lengthy tasks". I hit the scroll icon, I see 7 missions and I choose which ones I wanna do. It's easier, well better said "less time intensive", than the normal a) find NPC b) take mission c) Go do stuff d) bring back to that BPC again .... is reduced to just c) and d), so far, I usually knock of all 7 in 30 minutes or so. Today I only did 6 as I decided I didn't want to do one of them cuz it was kill a tribe.

A brief description does appears on the Daily Mission window, you click it and you get a full description. Don't wanna do it, abandon the mission. Change ya mind, retake it. Not only that, the map shows you who you have to deliver to. No searching all over the region to find those wandering NPCs.

As to the faction picks, I stopped using them .... are they actually gone or are they just not purchasable any more ? Can you still buy with FP ? Can you do the original delivery missions ? If they have in effect been removed from purchase ... I imagine they could be restored or made available thru the original tour procedure.

When I visit the NPC, he's basically offering the same items through faction points (left click) or elipsies (right click). I haven't actually spent any cause I have so few of each left that.

Isn't the NH / Occupations thing still working as it was. I haven't found a reason to do occupations for about 2.5 years. When I did, I mostly did scroll maker as the Q70 scrolls sold for far more on the market than NH paid .... especially w/ 50-50-50-50 fame. But I talk to folks most days who are running Occs / NH but not as part of Daily Missions.

The problem for me is, and I have said this often. There's a mindset in every industry were having experts write manuals is believed to be a good idea .... and that's why no one in the world every had the correct time on their VCR and everyone struggles assembling their furniture bought at IKEA.

Every software manual begins with "Open the [ xxxx ] Window and ...." wait how do I open the [ xxxx ] Window ... WTH is a [ xxxx ] Window ?

I find it nice that we now have more options. I like that this, so far, appears to treat players with different approaches to game more equally. A significant number will be dismayed by that ... the ole "I deserve more because ..." thing.

My issue, in reference to the economy again, is not that any path has been devalued .... it's that I have nothing to spend the rewards on.

-Cats ? = More ways to get cats ? Each week after the NPC Hunt, we can't give them away.

-Wundahmat = It's OK, I like the no bulk thing for completing craft missions. The T & E required to get the wundahmat is far far greater then just digging ... and far more lucrative.

-Names for animals ... this I like, and if hair dyes were added it would be a kick. I have this image in my head of the movie "Earth Girls are Easy" and the brightly colored aliens ... tho on Atys Id prefer more of a subdued tint.

- Iron Ons ! ... Remember iron on images for T-Shirts ? I'd spend a few elipsies on s one time sigil that I could apply to a shield or breastplate. Once used, it's gone.

Most of all the Dailies give you something else to do ... options ... other ways to do things. I didn't really look at them with regard to the economy ... my problem has never been earning, but having something to spend it on.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 5 ans).


#11 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Question ... as renaming your animas is expensive .... it would be good for us to know the limitations before we fork over several weeks / month worth of Elyps:

a)  Number of characters permitted ?
b)  Number of words / spaces ?  2 words i.e. "Zig Newton"  3 words "Packer Number One"
c) Numerals and Special Characters ?   "Packer No. 1" or "Packer # 1".

Other ideas:

a)  Hair / Fur Dye
b)  Brands ... Improng Guild / Faction / Alliance Symbol.  This is a 'no harm" idea... no branding irons ... just dye stencils :)


#12 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Question ... as renaming your animas is expensive .... it would be good for us to know the limitations before we fork over several weeks / month worth of Elyps:

a)  Number of characters permitted ?
b)  Number of words / spaces ?  2 words i.e. "Zig Newton"  3 words "Packer Number One"
c) Numerals and Special Characters ?   "Packer No. 1" or "Packer # 1".

a) 24 characters maximum
b) No limit you can use how many spaces you want
c) All alphanumeric characters and ' # - .
d) Only renames who respect CoC

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#13 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Code of Conduct

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