
#1 [en] 

Hi Atys!

I would like to introduce the new Ryzom application Ryzom Inventory. This application is meant as the successor to the original 'Ryzom Armory' application which was developed by SirCotare and myself, and will bring all of the original features back.


I am developing this app regularly, and many more features will be coming, and some existing ones might still be a bit buggy.

The following is a list of current features:
1. Add character and guild keys.
2. Scope character keys as Public, Private or Guild.
3. Scope guild keys as Public or guild.
4. Full character and almost full guild detail.

Some features that will be coming in the next week:
1. Full guild detail.
2. Rankings.
3. Statistics.
4. Home / Summary page here.
5. Pets inventory and locations.
6. Rooms.
7. Outposts.

Some features coming later:
1. Shops.
2. Translations.
3. Feature requests.

- I may need to wipe the data over the next couple of weeks, so you may need to re-add you keys sometimes.
- Currently guild summaries are updated once per day, guild details (via key) are updated once per hour, characters (via key) are updated once per 15 minutes. So you may not find your character/guild immediately after you add your keys, but they will appear soon enough.
- If there are some features that you would like to be added, I will be happy to implement the most popular ones.
- If you  haven't already, please check out my other application 'Ryzom Tracker' at http://www.ryzomarmory.com/ryzom/.
- Please report any bugs or feature requests in this thread :)

Lastly, I must say thank you to the Ryzom team, Ballistic Mystix, and SirCotare.




#2 [en] 

How to add your guild and character keys:

1. Navigate to the Ryzom API app here: https://app.ryzom.com/app_ryzomapi/index.php?from_index=1&lan g=en

2. Click on the 'Add new key' button.

3. Please select the 'never expires' option, and select all of the modules. You will be able to control privacy, and add/remove keys within the application.

4. Your key will look similar to: c64d8523022fe4e1af7834f3060d5d78796a07c0f. A guild key starts with a 'g', and a character key starts with a 'c'.

5. Once you have your key(s) navigate to ryzominventory.com and register with a memorable username and password.

6. Once logged in, navigate to 'Manage' and add your key(s). Select a scope.

Scopes for character keys are:

Public: Everyone can see all of your characters data.
Guild: Everyone can see your summary data but not your detailed character data. Your guild members can see all of your character data.
Private: Everyone can see your summary data, but only you can see your detailed character data.

For guilds it is similar except, if you choose private, or guild. Then only guild members can see the detailed guild data.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Final (il y a 6 ans).




Topic moved.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#4 [en] 

Some players have already been reporting that some data is not correct. I have traced this on a couple of characters back to the Ryzom API, which is reporting strange data.

Sometimes a users key is giving another users data.
Sometimes a users key gives most of the correct data, but with incorrect PVP points, incorrect skills.

My suspicion is that whilst a player is logged in something is causing their data to be inaccurate.

I will update the application to first check if the user is online, and only fetch data if they are offline.



#5 [en] 

I want to know when I turned into a topless blond! Aside from the hair color and the missing LA vest, it's an accurate picture, but those two details are wrong.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#6 [en] 

Some players have already been reporting that some data is not correct. I have traced this on a couple of characters back to the Ryzom API, which is reporting strange data.

Save xml output from api over some period and do the comparison. API returning invalid data is not normal.



#7 [en] 

Thank you for the feedback Gidget. I have fixed the bug with the vest not displaying. As for your headress. It looks like BM does not support this in their image API, but I could be wrong.

I am currently re-writing the API key validation and API interaction to make things more robust.

The next update should be this weekend.



#8 [en] 

I just noticed another one; it seems that the "crawler" is omitting entire branches.

My front page summary only listed 2 masters. A little digging showed that the 2 it found were Spear and Lakes digging. It didn't even look at my 2h or Close Combat, or any of my crafts other than LA, and it totally omitted my Ele and Heal. It didn't even list all 5 LA Craft skills either; it stopped exploring the Craft branch entirely once it hit the one LA piece I mastered

If I had to guess, it seems that the "crawler" stops exploring the tree once it sees a 250. So while you got the hood open this weekend, could you please take a look at that too? Thanks!


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#9 [en] 

Thanks Gidget,

The skill trees should be fixed this weekend too.



#10 [en] 

Hi Atys!

Although you might not notice much difference visually, I have been spending the past couple of weeks re-writing most of this application.

Here are some of the key changes:

1. Fixed a bug - Not all character skill trees showing.
2. Fixed a bug - Some equipment not displaying correctly.
3. Fixed a bug - Some character data was inaccurate.
4. Character and guilds are now based on the api key modules, and you will see this on the detail pages.
5. Tidied up the home page a bit.
6. A lot of backend enhancements to make the updating and validation more robust.

- Guild and character updates and fetches now happen at the same time every 15 minutes, if the cached time is in the past.
- Guild and character inventories will now only update if the item quantity has changed since the last inventory update.
- Validation of new API keys happens every 5 minutes. Guild and Character validation and fetching no longer occurs as soon as a key is added.
- New Character keys, must, a least, have the C01 module.

So now I will get back to focusing on adding all of the features. This next week I will bring in:

1. Rankings.
2. Outposts.
3. Rooms.

You will need to re-create your accounts and re-add your keys. Hopefully soon you will not need to keep doing this.

Please let me know here if you encounter any bugs etc. or want to suggest some features or improvements?


Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Final (il y a 6 ans).



#11 [en] 

It still has me as blonde, and when I click my character, I get this;

"Whitelabel Error Page

This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Tue Jul 24 01:27:45 CEST 2018
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
No message available"

May be bad timing/luck, might be a thing, I don't know :/


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#12 [en] 

Hi Gidget,

We are merging Inventory and the old Armory. So development of this app will stop from now.



#13 [en] 

It is amazing to see this project come back to life! I remember the armory being used as ranking tool between players among other things. It was exciting to see external tools getting so much attention, I'm surprised the armory isn't dead either! I'm glad you found a way to combine the efforts into one (probably new?) app. Thank you for many years of work!



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