#229 Ajouté par Gidget il y a 4 ans
Damages from creature attacks near the Ranger Camp. They will be reduced as it currently causes too many deaths. Character dying too frequently suggests to players that the game is not for them, or that they have misunderstood the rules, increasing the risk that they will abandon Ryzom without delay.
Silan is in my opinion a pretty complete tutorial as it is now. So, if adding icons to better indicate this or that point seems useful to me, the rest of the refactoring is not, I think, a good idea. Because giving everything to new players as soon as Silan will deprive them of the surprise of discovering Atys. Simplify Silan, why not? But from there to make it a mini-Atys… we might as well remove it and make new players be born directly on Atys.[i]Ulukyn recalls that it is not a question of turning Silan into a mini-Atys, but only of making sure that Silan gives new players the means to be autonomous, to know what and how to look for on Atys as soon as they set foot there. Because currently, arriving on the mainland is a surprise, yes: to discover almost another game. So the refactoring is not about remaking Atys on Silan, but about providing tantalizing glimpses of Atys on Silan.
• Many players I know have actually left Ryzom thinking that the playing field was limited to Silan. For the same reason, some have played Ryzom for only two months… time to exhaust the pleasures of Silan.This Ulukyn confirms by saying that one of the first questions he is asked when he has the game tested is: "Is this the map of the entire game area?".
Dernière édition par Gidget (il y a 4 ans).
#230 Ajouté par Margote il y a 3 ans
Ordre du jour[Retours] Dernier patch[Information] Projet de mise à jour du Code de Conduite
#231 Ajouté par Nilstilar il y a 3 ans
Below are the links to the latest patch applied: • Patch 868 of April 17, 2021 • Patch 873 of April 20, 2021 (fix of patch 868) Pour information, le contenu de ce patch est désormais complétement actif sur Atys.Thus, we have added, among others : – lessons and rewards for the entire Storyline; – allegories that produce effects and Storyline missions to improve those effects; – activation of Nexus Minor outposts.Please note that the form of the lessons (illustrated guides to the missions) from the Storyline will be used for the projects: – Silan refactoring (tutorial lessons) – New Encyclopedia (guide to the Rites lessons)Are there any questions, remarks or feedback?
Regarding multiboxing as well as sanctions, we would like to update the Code of Conduct in the near future. So I'm going to tell you what we're planning to change.As a reminder, the current Code of Conduct can be found here.1 - Multiboxing and PvPWe currently have a problem of inaccuracy and even contradiction within the Code of Conduct (CoC):In PvP zone, players not wanting to be attacked are asked to leave the zone. ==> Attacking a player in Nexus with 4 simultaneous accounts is therefore allowed.Multiboxing is limited to 2 simultaneous accounts in Storyline events. ==> Attacking a player doing a Storyline mission in Nexus with more than 2 simultaneous accounts is therefore forbidden.This, in addition to not taking into account the case of Super Nodes, also causes tricky tickets to be solved in Nexus.So, to clarify the Code of Conduct, we will extend the 2 simultaneous accounts limit to all PvP, so to PvP on outposts, in PvP region (Super Nodes and Nexus included), and everywhere on Atys.2 - Multiboxing during off-peak hoursThe limitation of multiboxing in the CoC has had a positive impact on gaming during European game hours, but also a strong negative impact on the number of players during extra-european game hours (peak hours of play in countries like the USA, but during which the number of players connected to Ryzom is very low).This last point poses an intractable problem for Ryzom in terms of marketing, which has financial repercussions.In concrete terms, while the limitation causes no problem of play during European hours, the low number of players and the numerous time zones make it impossible, during off-peak hours, for you to access the high level game (Bosses, Marauder Bosses) unless you use more than 2 simultaneous accounts.This makes us enter the vicious circle: Lack of players during off-peak hours ==> Not enough people to access the high level game ==> Unsubscription and leaving of the game ==> No one to welcome the new ones ==> Departure of the new ones ==> Lack of players during off-peak hours.So, to give off-peak hours players access to high-level play again and to give us a chance to repopulate the server during these hours, we will be testing, during 1 month, the tolerance of 4 simultaneous accounts for everything but PvP during off-peak hours, from 22:00 UTC (0:00 CEST) to 05:00 UTC (07:00 CEST), the time when this tolerance is needed to be able to play at high level. If the community reception and impact on the number of connections/subscriptions on off-peak hours of this provision is positive, it will be added to the CoC after the test month, which will run from June 15th to July 15th.3 - Addition of a penalty scaleCurrently, the CoC does not provide for any intermediate sanction between 1 month suspension and lifetime ban: we will remedy this by adding a one-year suspension sanction (more details to come later).I'll let you react on the three points: first on the first one (multiboxing and PvP), then we'll go on with the other two.
Dernière édition par Nilstilar (il y a 3 ans). | Raison: Fixes after Ulukyn's check
#232 Ajouté par Gidget il y a 3 ans
As the off-peak period ends in the early afternoon for players in Australia and New Zealand, and that some European players might want to use their alts as well, I was wondering : if the test goes well and the community largely wants it, would you consider in the future the possibility of extending this increased tolerance to more time zones?We chose these hours to test because they are off-peak hours in terms of connections. If the test is positive, we may adjust the time slot by one hour if needed. The goal is to allow players connected at off-peak times to also enjoy the high level game. This is not related to nationalities, so any player who is connected during these hours will benefit from the lifting of the limitation.
#233 Ajouté par Elke il y a 3 ans
Nilstilar[b]As the off-peak period ends in the early afternoon for players in Australia and New Zealand, and that some European players might want to use their alts as well, I was wondering : if the test goes well and the community largely wants it, would you consider in the future the possibility of extending this increased tolerance to more time zones?
[b]As the off-peak period ends in the early afternoon for players in Australia and New Zealand, and that some European players might want to use their alts as well, I was wondering : if the test goes well and the community largely wants it, would you consider in the future the possibility of extending this increased tolerance to more time zones?
Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Elke (il y a 3 ans).
#234 Ajouté par Gidget il y a 3 ans
I have the impression that you understand it the wrong way: the general limit is 2 accounts: In European night time (22 UT - 5 UT) four accounts are allowed. So why would it impact the multi accounts outside Europe more than in Europe? Also: reducing this the the very intention...That said, basically everything can be done with 2 accounts other than killing certain bosses - where you then need 2 or 3 actual players.
Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Gidget (il y a 3 ans).
#235 Ajouté par Erisapple il y a 3 ans
#236 Ajouté par Tamarea il y a 3 ans
Ordre du jour- Test de Ryztart, le nouvel installeur/lanceur de Ryzom- Mise à jour prochaine du Code de Conduite- Events en juillet et août- Recrutement : Event team
Dernière édition par Tamarea (il y a 3 ans).
#237 Ajouté par Nilstilar il y a 3 ans
Je vous informe que Ryztart est arrivé a un stade plutot satisfaisant (même s'il reste quelques petites choses à paufiner et traductions qui pourraient manquer).Il est désormais assez stable pour le proposer en version beta sur le site web de Ryzom, du moins les version Linux et Windows (la version Mac n'as pas été finalisée). Nous ferons également un post sur le forum pour avoir vos retours. En attendant je vous donne ici les liens pour les téléchargements :• pour Linux >>> https://me.ryzom.com/ryztart_installer_x86_64.tgz • pour Windows >>> https://me.ryzom.com/ryztart_installer_amd64.exe (il ne s'agit que de version 64b, pour ceux si sont encore en 32b, patience).Il n'est pas nécessaire de désinstaller ryzom_installer, ni même Ryzom, mais il est par contre fortement conseillé de sauvegarder les dossiers 0/ 1/ 2/ 3/… qui contiennent vos sauvegardes et qui se trouvent dans : • sous Windows >>> C:/Users/<USERNAME>/AppData/Roaming/Ryzom• sous Linux >>> ~/.local/share/RyzomVous trouverez plus d'informations sur le wiki.Voilà pour Ryztart. Des questions ou des commentaires ?
Nous allons mettre d'ici peu le Code de Conduite à jour au niveau de la partie concernant le ''Multiboxing'', les règles de courtoisie et les sanctions. Je vais vous présenter ce que nous allons changer.Pour rappel, l'actuel Code de Conduite est consultable ici (cliquez sur le drapeau de langue pour en changer).Ajout d'une échelle de pénalitésAjout (dans B. Avertissements et sanctions) d'une échelle de sanctions pour « infraction majeure »' : 1 semaine de suspension / 1 mois de suspension / 1 an de suspension (NOUVEAU) / Interdiction définitive.Précision dans les règles de courtoisieAjout (dans I.7. Mauvais comportement sur un canal de discussion du jeu (serveur de jeu, IRC, forums et Rocket chat inclus)) de ceux homophobes dans la liste des propos prohibés.[b]Modifications concernant le Multiboxing et le PvP & Multiboxing pendant les heures creuses[b]Trois ajouts dans III.4 Multiboxing, à savoir :a) Ajout de toutes les situations JcJ à la liste de celles soumise à limitations : pour clarifier le code de conduite, nous allons étendre la limite de 2 comptes simultanés à tout le JcJ, donc au JcJ sur les avant-postes, dans les régions JcJ (c'est-à-dire y compris les spots magiques et le Nexus), et partout sur Atys.b) Ajout d'un nouveau paragraphe régissant le multiboxing pendant les heures creuses : pour permettre aux joueurs américains d'accéder à nouveau au jeu de haut niveau et pour nous donner une chance de repeupler le serveur pendant les heures américaines, nous testons actuellement (jusqu'au 15 juillet) la tolérance de 4 comptes simultanés pour tout sauf le JcJ pendant les heures creuses, de 22h UTC à 5h UTC (0h-7h CEST), donc pendant les heures où c'est nécessaire pour un gameplay correct. Comme l'accueil de la communauté et l'impact sur le nombre de connexions/abonnements américains sont positifs, cette règle sera ajoutée au CdC dans quelques jours, comme suit.III.4.4 Multiboxing pendant les heures creusesLe multiboxing est toléré pour un maximum de quatre comptes simultanés pour toutes les activités, à l'exception du JcJ, pendant les heures où il s'agit d'une nécessité de jeu en raison du faible trafic sur les serveurs de jeu (22h-10h UTC, c'est-à-dire 0h-12h CEST).c) Ajout d'un résumé des règles du multiboxing, comme suit.Aux heures où le serveur de jeu est suffisamment fréquenté - 10:00 UTC-22:00 UTC (12:00 CEST-00:00 CEST)Multiboxing limité à 2 comptes simultanés pendant : • JcJ • Chasse aux Rois • Assaut des Boss Maraudeurs • Événements scénarisés de la StorylineMultiboxing toléré à 4 comptes simultanés pour toute autre autre activité.Aux heures de faible trafic du serveur de jeu - 22:00 UTC-10:00 UTC (00:00 CEST-12:00 CEST)Multiboxing toléré à 4 comptes simultanés pour toutes activités sauf JcJ.Vous avez des commentaires ou des questions ?
Comme il y a beaucoup d'absents en juillet et août, tant parmi les joueurs que les animateurs, les events de la Storyline ainsi que les events de nations et factions habituellement proposés par l'Équipe d'animation (un par semaine) sont mis en pause jusqu'en septembre.L'été laisse la place aux events joueurs, aux mini-boss, invasions kitines, events d'ambiance… Les Jeux d'Atys devraient être de retour pendant tout le mois d'août.Des questions ?
Nous cherchons des bénévoles souhaitant aider à écrire des scénarios d'event, ou bien souhaitant devenir acteurs en incarnant un personnage lors des events que nous jouons.La formation est assurée, et l'entrée dans le jeu d'acteur se fait très progressivement pour laisser le temps à la recrue de prendre ses marques.Rejoignez-nous pour bénéficier de cette expérience unique !Pour postuler, contactez exclusivement Tamarea à [i]tamarea@ryzom.com[i].
Edité 5 fois | Dernière édition par Nilstilar (il y a 3 ans). | Raison: FR typo
#238 Ajouté par Jorgensen il y a 3 ans
#239 Ajouté par Wixarika il y a 3 ans
#240 Ajouté par Dullahan il y a 3 ans
Regarding new players in Silan - a huge part of why i kept playing more than a week is that at the time there were advanced players there who spent most of their time helping the noobs. I met them almost instantly. It gave me a sense that this was a community. I know many people still help the newcomers in silan, but we should remember to encourage these silan mentors for the work they do to keep people playing. Perhaps even make mentoring an official thing?
#241 Ajouté par Tamarea il y a 3 ans
Ordre du jour- Installeur/lanceur de Ryzom: RyZtart- Wiki: Mise à jour du portail de la Forge- Prochain patch: métiers de la Kitinière, Boss refactoring, Marauder gameplay- OP refactoring- Recrutement: Event team, Support team, Translation team
#242 Ajouté par Jadeyn il y a 3 ans
Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Jadeyn (il y a 3 ans).
#243 Ajouté par Kaetemi il y a 3 ans
Q : Is building the client and server still a pain in the ass or has it become easier ? I know this was a sticking point for some people a few years ago.Especially running an operational ryzomcore server rather than the build itself.Why not provide some basic primitives to have a working ryzomcore ? I'm thinking for example of the old racial start zone.A : The client build is now done via a small script on Windows, the same script will be adapted to Linux.As for the server, the build is also simple, but ... The server build is more complicated, especially since it requires private datas.But ryzomcore provides a complete archive, turnkey to launch a core server.Which in the vast majority of cases will suffice.
Q : Wasn't the rudimentary data available from Silan when the client/server became open source ? Is it still available ?A : It is still available and ryzomcore is adding missing data continuously.
Edité 6 fois | Dernière édition par Tykus (il y a 3 ans).
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