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List seems incomplete now, for one we have those neat [noparse][time] and [date][/noparse] codes our event team uses.

[noparse][time][/noparse] displays the given date and time plus a real-time counter:
[time]2012-01-01 20:00[/time] shows as dimanche 1 Janvier 2012 20:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)

[noparse][date][/noparse] automatically converts the given date and time to Atys time:
[date]2012-01-01 20:00[/date] shows as 15h - Quarta, Pluvia 28, 4e CA 2565

Also, is there code for linking to a post within this forum without having to use the entire url?

Also, would be nice to have a link to this list in a corner of the forum somewhere.


When you are making a new post, there is a link "bbCode tags" at the bottom left which will show a list of all available codes.

Dernière édition par Sywindt(Yubo) (il y a 1 décénie).


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr


So I suddenly noticed yesterday, was that there before? :p


Well it was there the day before yesterday if that helps. :p

While we're on the subject though, can we change the example to "YYYY-MM-DD" or "2011-08-23" please as it's not currently clear which order the month and day should come.


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader


Jayce (Arispotle)
Well it was there the day before yesterday if that helps. :p

While we're on the subject though, can we change the example to "YYYY-MM-DD" or "2011-08-23" please as it's not currently clear which order the month and day should come.

Changed (even though nobody sane should be using a YYYY-DD-MM notation ;)


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr


very lovely, thank u.
I used to open the original BBcodes post in extra tab for reference anyways, this is much quicker


Sywindt (Arispotle)

Changed (even though nobody sane should be using a YYYY-DD-MM notation ;)

And why's that?


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader


As far as i know the traditional/normative notations are DD-MM-YY[YY] and MM-DD-YY[YY] (with - being . sometimes). In the digital age YYYY-MM-DD became popular (even in countrys using DD-MM-YYYY) because it can be sorted alphabetically. Never heard of YYYY-DD-MM.

Anyway, its always nice to use a day > 12 in examples :-)

Dernière édition par Casy (il y a 1 décénie).


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
Last visit samedi 28 Septembre 22:49:15 UTC

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