

#16 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I wanted to thank Dregra for starting this thread and for all of you who have posted comments.

I want to address a few issues to hopefully allow clarification to the Event Team and our role to the RP community.

First and foremost, I would like to emphasize that you, the players, do have effect on the events as they unfold on Atys. Shard events directly evolve due to the action or inaction of the players. Throughout the last year we have placed more of the evolution of the events towards the community and the Event Team has taken a more supportive role as the event plays out.

In regard to the governmental bodies it would be best to direct those interested to read the government pages of each race in the Lore section of the RP website. The Event Team strictly follows the protocal for each government that has been set forth.

All citizens of each nation are encouraged to go to their representatives and discuss their concerns with them. The use of the ingame civilization forums is a good communication tool as these forums are open to citizens only.

Without giving spoilers to specific events, do know that when creating events we take into consideration how the event may effect the world and the players with the various paths an event may take. If every event played through the same and had no impact whatsoever in the environment of Atys there would be no need to have events.

So, now I ask of you, the players, to be observant to and interact with your surroundings, discuss it on the Forums, make reports, engage your representatives and leaders and bring forth your influence upon the bark of Atys.

SEM Arispotle


SEM Arispotle

#17 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Bravo, bravo!
Homins. You have seen my investigations in the past. Surely I cannot be the only homin who has curiousity and the ability to report what I see! In fact I know I am not, for I see Rikutatis, Marelli, Faultyschema and others.

Homins united can never be defeated. If we just sit around and complain about the events around us, we are already beaten.

-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#18 Reporter | Citer[en] 

question to the event team...

can one homin make a difference?
is it possible to make a solo enjoyable event?
does everyone have to involve (enter the hyper lvl) enemy???

dunno just thinking :o)

ps. what event ye remember as good?

first invasion ghui remembers as awesome
the zorai fryo portal was awesome too
the statue temple thing wasnt much fun in the end maybe
remember lots of run to point x kill lots of enemy y events.
the kitin hunter event thing wasnt that bad
and the one with the exterminator kitin things and the stealth looting for titles was quite fun...
think there was a pr pvp event once but canny mind...
the recent find the missing zora get married to the tryker dude was pretty good actually :o)
anything else....



mayhem - where no one is an island
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