
#16 [fr] 

I just remember we have the "village idiot / l’idiot du village". May be, it is the same as "crétin de service" or "noob"?

On Atys, everyone know everyone, isn't it a big village?




Une Larme parmi Les Larmes
C’est comme une goutte d’eau dans un lac
C’est fragile, mais un lac on peut s’y noyer

#17 [en] 

OOoooh I like that Hendat! I would proudly wear that as a title!

#18 [en] 

The original thought was just finding out if there are any other emotes to watch out for and just sort of getting it out there that I didn't know I had been calling some people idiots all these years :P



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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#19 [en] 

I get it but I don't "get it" lol im just gonna leave hahaaha good luck mate!
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