

#1 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Myself, Aeralin, and new guild (Inflatable Friends) have moved to the Witherings to further our enlightment in the teachings of Ma Duk and the Zoraï. Although we are mostly Trykers, we want to live peacefully among the Zoraï people and ask for admittance into government if one exists. If one does not, we would like to volunteer our services to help form a government and assist in the peaceful co-habitation of Inflatable Friends and the Zoraï. We love the beauty and bounty of the Jungle and respects its people immensely. If someone could get back to me with how I should proceed, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thankies and I look forward to replies!

#2 Reporter | Citer[en] 

The Knights of Jen-Lai welcome you to the Witherings. If democracy ever comes to Zora your assistance will be a great gift to the Zorai. Until then we can only work together in friendship and hope that some day we can have a voice in our government.

#3 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Indeed, welcome to the Witherings Aeralin and Inflatable Friends!

Atys Souls is another guild of Zoraï Initiates and we're also interested in aiding the establishment of a Zoraï government in the Witherings to assist the great Mabreka-Cho.

Should the Inflatable Friends and Knights of Jen-Lai be interested, we would be most pleased to start a coallition of Zoraï guilds as well.

Dernière édition par Rikutatis (il y a 1 décénie).


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
Last visit lundi 17 Février 08:34:31 UTC

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