Entraide GNU/Linux


#31 [en] 

I have already decided that I will not be adding any further comments to this thread, after this entry. I am not into flaming, name-calling, unnecessary adulation or downright rudeness.
The Core coding team work well together and for the benefit of all Ryzom users and I have never seen this sort of display on their site.

#32 [en] 

You MIGHT be able to use blender - the ryzom core people were trying to convert everything for blender but you'll have to ask them first if they are done with everything related to making it possible to use blender instead of 3Ds max and if they are what to keep in mind


#33 [en] 

Content removed since it is Mac related.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Tiximei (il y a 10 ans).


#34 [en] 

Content removed since it is Mac related.

Dernière édition par Tiximei (il y a 10 ans).


#35 [en] 

[face palm] As ever, it's nice to see the community spirit and all Homins getting along contributing for the wider good :-)

Being honest, half the reason I don;t bother reading some of the forums is because of the opinionated Homin's 'that know best'.

I look forward to an Atys where 1 answer delivers a solution to every question, but until it arrives we need to rely on the goodwill of many Homins who bring lots of collective experience to the table. Collective meaning, they may have a different way of looking at the same problem :-)

(unticked watch to I don't get spammed with replies)

Dernière édition par Bubbason (il y a 1 décénie).


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)

#36 [en] 

Content removed since it is Mac related.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Tiximei (il y a 10 ans).

#37 [en] 

Although this bug affects Unity, it seems sensible to put it here because it can also affect how Ryzom runs on Linux.

Over the past week or so, I;ve been looking into why my Linux client runs (incredibly) slowly. To put it in context, opening up applications (including Ryzom) seems to take forever.

I;ve updated the kernel to the latest and also been houskeeping (removing unrequired packagaes etc) but still no joy.
Linux <Bubba's PC> 3.16.0-031600-generic #201408031935 SMP Sun Aug 3 23:36:11 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Running 'top' shows Ryzom a one of the higest CPU users leading me to believe that the Ryzom client is hogging resource and slowing my PC down.

Then I stumbled across the following bug affecting Unity: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1041354

running 'sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-gtk' to remove libreffice-gtk and my PC came to life and now runs lightening fast again, including the Ryzom Client :-)

Hope this helps!


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)

#38 [en] 

There is a relatively simple way to compile client using docker build.
Debian/Wheezy seems to give most 'static' version and should be usable in any distro.

I also have packages for debian/fedora/openSUSE at openSUSE build service. Those are based on ubuntu ryzom-isv ppa files.



#39 [en] 

Naema (atys)
Ok, so I noticed on Ryzom Forge to make plushies, etc, you need 3ds max, Well, i went to the web page and it looks like its a Windows program. I use a mac, is there an equivelent program you can use for OSX? I would like to learn this :D
Jarnys (atys)
You MIGHT be able to use blender - the ryzom core people were trying to convert everything for blender but you'll have to ask them first if they are done with everything related to making it possible to use blender instead of 3Ds max and if they are what to keep in mind

https://ryzomcore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RC/Adding+Buildings# AddingBuildings-Settingup3DSMAX

And today on #ryzom :
13:00:41 rdelvax | Hi,
13:01:07 rdelvax | Is there anyone who charted the shape, skel and anim files?
13:02:42 rdelvax | If so, I could try and learn enough python to try and make blender importer/exporter plugins with a little help from some friends...
13:03:57 rdelvax | If there's no info for those filetypes, I might give reversed engineering a try, but that could take a while...
14:33:49 dfighter | rdelvax, as far as I know there's already an ongoing effort
14:34:10 dfighter | you should consult with Botanic_
14:35:51 sfb | rdelvax: If you want to know what is in the files you need to look at the serialization methods for the corresponding classes.
14:36:13 sfb | rdelvax: Because these file formats are binary representations of the contents of an instance of those classes.
14:36:49 sfb | rdelvax: Regarding a Blender plugin, dfighter is spot on. Botanic_ and someone else have been working on something on the side. It'd be worth talking to him to see where it is at.
14:39:42 rdelvax | thnx, I'll contact botanic ;)
14:40:07 rdelvax | Maybe I can help him.


Markanjio di Segafredo
Noble Gardien des Matis - Noble Matis Guardian
Fléau de l'Empire - Scourge of the Empire

#40 [en] 

I have been attempting to make a working build for 2 days now, and am at a complete loss for what else to try.

I have successfully compiled the client about 10 different ways and tried the branches develop, compatibility, compat-dev. and default all with the same results. I can login and select my character, the loading sequence goes for a short ways and then the client crashes.

Some details on the error are:
A fatal error occurs. The program must quit
ProcName: <Unknown>
File: /ryzom-ryzomcore-5c9146c667c1/code/nel/src/gui/interface_parser.c pp
Line: 587
FuncName: parseXMLDocument
Reason: could not parse 'lua'
User Crash Callback:
HomeId: 101
ShardId: 101
On a Mainland Shard
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity information
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
LocalTime: 2015/08/02 21:49:56
ServerTick: 1021771984
ConnectState: Connected
Language: English
ClientVersion: ryzomcore/v0.12.0-dev
PatchVersion: 610
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 13GB/15GB
Process Virtual Memory: 0B
OS: Linux version 3.16.0-4-amd64 (debian-kernel@lists.debian.org) (gcc version 4.8.4 (Debian 4.8.4-1) ) #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u2 (2015-07-17)
Processor: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor / ? Family 21 Model 2 Stepping 0 / AuthenticAMD / 1400.000MHz / 3 Processors found
CpuMask: ff
NeL3D: OpenGL / X.Org / Gallium 0.4 on AMD OLAND / 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2
No sound

In compiling I found that the luabind library requires lua5.2, so I explicitly selected that version of lua from the 2 versions that are installed on my system. Not making that selection had the same results.

No combination of static or dynamic linking choices about lua and luabind have made a difference. I took to manually editing the link.txt file to control the static/dynamic linkage of each system library.

I have had to build curl, libxml2, and openal from source code in order to get them to behave properly.

Can anyone suggest anything else to try? Do I have to build my own lua and luabind; or maybe the error has nothing to do with lua?!

#41 [en] 

Abekomdf (atys)
Can anyone suggest anything else to try? Do I have to build my own lua and luabind; or maybe the error has nothing to do with lua?!
There should be more detailed error before that line in log file.



#42 [en] 

There is a lot of stuff in between the parts I already posted. Most of it seems to match logging generated by a working executable, specifically the one found here.

The only other lines that appear to have potential relevance are:
2015/08/02 21:49:56 <Unknown> INF e689a740 common.cpp 615 : Exception will be launched: interaction.lua:134: attempt to call field 'mod' (a nil value)
2015/08/02 21:49:56 <Unknown> WRN e689a740 interface_parser.cpp 2863 : ELuaExecuteError: interaction.lua:134: attempt to call field 'mod' (a nil value)
2015/08/02 21:49:56 <Unknown> ERR e689a740 interface_parser.cpp 587 : could not parse 'lua'

#43 [en] 

Abekomdf (atys)
The only other lines that appear to have potential relevance are:
Exception will be launched: interaction.lua:134: attempt to call field 'mod' (a nil value)
have you updated ryzom files using ryzom_update.sh script? it also overwrites ryzom_client binary, so you need to restore it if your own compiled version is named the same



#44 [en] 

I placed Icus's executable and mine in the same location where the original 32bit client had been extracted. I ran each and compared the logs. There were no updates in between that comparison.

#45 [en] 

Abekomdf (atys)
I placed Icus's executable and mine in the same location where the original 32bit client had been extracted. I ran each and compared the logs. There were no updates in between that comparison.

There should be ryzom_update.sh script.

If it's missing, then this is what it contains
rsync -rtzv --progress --stats www.ryzom.com::ryzom ./


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