
#1 [en] 

Seeing as aggresive mobs attack homin players, they could also attack tribe members/bandits. This would also mean that you could run to tribe groups for help.
What do you think?


#2 [en] 


You mean Tribe groups on patrol, as it were. Tribe camps (friendly ones) already provide help in killing agro mobs.

This seems reasonable - after all, how can groups of NPCs move through the landscape without being attacked? There has to be a balance, however. How about this only works if you have above a certain fame with the Tribe? And you lose fame if you agro drag onto them (even in camps).


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#3 [en] 

This has been discussed already ... the biggest drawback to this proposal is that you can have negative fame with tribes by simply existing (they hate your nation's race) - also by simply swearing allegiance to a faction (Ancient Dryads hates most everyone). For harvesters this would be extremely bad news.

The idea to have roaming npcs fight mobs is something I support, however.


#4 [en] 

If aggressive mobs treat tribe members as players, then the tribes would not have to go and help players (unless, perhaps, the fame is greater then some amount) and would only have to fight the mobs when attacked. Thus, the effect on players would be that they could walk with tribe patrols to be somewhat protected.


#5 [en] 

i would love to see more interactivity with the roaming groups of tribes, harvesters and such. I would like to see them help you if you are being attacked, but also I would like to see them attack you if they dont like you! So Beware of what you wish for.

#6 [en] 

Roaming tribes attacking ppl depending on fame with them would be so great, and it would make op wars at certain op's hard as hell the do not use bombs rule would have to become do not come if you got negative fame with one of these 5 tribes for instance :p. This could also work against some campers (but i think it would have a minimal impact on their camping job, kp's in all regions would work better for this)


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