What do yu thing of this idea.
This is the best idea since yubodolls were invented.
Atys: Binarabi, Karabas, Libre, Rollocks, Sygmus, Synthax, Tart, Virg, Winxy, Xtarsia
10 (3)
I am too frail and weak to engage in PvP so please don't do this.
Atys: Casy, Mate, Tumbleweed
Atys: Ahti, Aleeskandaro, Anzhanto, Arfur, Arugula, Bambamseven, Bitttymacod, Daomei, Exodus, Irfidel, Jarnys, Markanjio, Meagon, Sharleen, Sorum, Suboxide
S'abstenir 5
Le sondage est clos

#41 [en] 

Avvy (atys)
Rollocks (atys)
However the moderator of this forum has decided to remove and censor my responses which just furthers the distortion. Since they have not interested in having me make suggestions to improve the game, and discuss such suggestions, and defend positions I may take when criticized by others in this forum I will no longer post suggestions. Instead I will sit by and watch the size of the active population of Atys decline.

Can someone tell me how I to unsubscribe my account?

Guardian of the Muted Homin

Don't know why you are blaming the moderator (or at least partially) for your decision. I too got posts removed, and a polite message reminding me of the forum rules.

Anyway had already heard that you were considering leaving the game about a week before this.

If this was Eve-online the post I'm quoting would be removed for discussion of moderation.

Well you did not read the message that I received from the moderator ( I would not characterize it as polite), and perhaps you do not mind your posts being censored. I do. Unlike you, I am careful in selecting the words that I choose. Modifying my posts changes and distorts what I have written.

I do not approve nor appreciate having my my post modified. You may not care, I do. You may not care if someone falsely attributes statements to you. I do, and when some falsely claims I made a statement, I want my response left for all to to see.

And as far as my decision to leave the game, I have had post that consisted of simple screenshots removed and censored several weeks ago. That is one of the contributing factors in deciding to leave the game. The scrutinization and reactions to my post borders on the absurd. There is no consistency in the standards applied by the moderators. What one moderator will suggest to you is permissible another one will impose a ban. So removing myself is the most effective way to avoid the aggravation.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#42 [en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
Rollocks --

I'm not quite certain why my long posting got edited for "removing personal attacks" since the parts that got removed were not attacks and were, in fact, explicit statements that I was not attacking you, explaining the differences between "trolling" and "being a troll" with literary examples. I hope you got a chance to see them before they were removed.

-- B

I only saw one post from you to which I responded. I don recall seeing your literary examples. Unfortuanately you too have to suffer from having the meaning of your posts distorted by censorship.

If you want you can send me your comments as a private message.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#43 [en] 

Hello, i been way from ryzom for about 9 months.Still miss it tho tbh but... this game was no chance of going PvP simply cause the 95% of ppl playing just dont want to PvP.Its sad for as that love to PvP but thats the truth.Thats is the main reason i left ryzom.So try to find a way to PvP just like we did after merge (arrange 2v2 3v3 ect) and thats about it imo.Ppl that stay in ryzom are the once that wanna forage/craft and no1 can blame them, PvPers are the minority in this game so its time we reallize it .No1 can forse any1 to do anything.
But i have 1 q for the strict PvEers, wth are u gonna do with sup boosted gear ? kill yubos more faster ?
i get it u love forage craft ( been away 9 months i missed forage and craft tbh :P ) but for what all the effort of getting top mats and crafting them ? u can kill every mob in ryzom with crap gear too

anyways best of wishes on ryzom, hope it will stay alive for many years more, i hate to see my main die cause the game died

#44 [en] 

Simple answer, Soulflynn, I don't need and don't use and don't want sup boosted gears. Sorry but the fun for me is in getting the mats, period. I am not a care bear, but just because I like my dp served up different does not mean I am a to weak, either. If you want me to try PvP, give me a reason to try.


#45 [en] 

is killing suboxide a good enough reason? :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#46 [en] 

Oi !!! whoever would dare to hit my cute face should be instant banned.


#47 [en] 

For lacuna. PvP is something that u like do or don't like to do, i cant give u a reason to like it, its up to u what u ll do with the time u pay to play tha game and i didn't call any1 a care-bear.It was just a simple rhetorical q.I don't care any more who will PvP or not on ryzom.I play a game were its 99% PvP and i love it but Ryzom was my first mmo and it holds a special place to my heart.
From what i see the ppl that say the word PvP are treated with a bit of hostility , like some1 said the F word or something, sometimes i think that Ryzom players see PvP as a threat or something, its just a game get over it.
From me PvP is dead in Ryzom, its a strict forage/craft game and a game with a very friendly community which is a hard think to find on the rest of mmo.

#48 [en] 

Soulflyn, sorry if I gave you impression that I was accusing you of anything. I rushed the reply and that comment was aimed at to the tone of debate that stereotypes pvp and pve players as such and such.

This thread is about a compulsory event. This is sandbox game and if people want to promote PvP, good on them. But if in doing so they want to appeal to non-pvpers you need to offer something more than a stick.


#49 [en] 

Virg (atys)
is killing suboxide a good enough reason? :)

Virg I think an event centred on killing Subox would be extremely popular, and yes maybe it would be a good reason.


#50 [en] 

Here are some things I've noticed regarding PvP here in the past.

Yes, the devs planned to have PvP from the start but right after release it only existed in the form of the Matis Arena and the duel.
Then there came Areas with PvP enabled (roots, nexus, temple war regions) which drove away a lot of people who had become accustomed to the original way.
Then outposts where added as another PvP option but this was a good addition to PvP even though there were some screams (not too many though) because it's not always war and you can SELECT to participate or not.
Then the PvP flag was added but the way it was implemented gave a big uproar from the PvP hating ones among the RPers (I know that NOT all RPers hate PvP) because they wanted to show their allegiance but didn't want to flag for PvP.

Seeing those past developments there are some conclusions that I've come to:
1) adding PvP later on is a VERY BAD idea because the existing players might be playing the game exactly because there's NO PvP
2) if PvP is changed the change has to be voluntary for all parties involved (as far as possible) otherwise there'll always be some big part of the player base that doesn't like it.
3) new things that are changed it should maintain a balance between PvP and non-PvP (I'm not saying PvE here on purpose)
4) if there are many people doing real RP there has to be a RP reason in addition to the changes if they involve a great portion of the player base (this should be the case for any mmoRPg!!)

So here are the reasons why a PvP week(end), in the way it's proposed, would be a bad idea:
1) the entire server (except for some tiny areas) would be PvP - no balance at all
2) what would be the RP reason for this? I can't think of any.

Here's how the suggestion could be modified to make it more PvE friendly:
Make only a single or few regions forced PvP for a predetermined time.
The last event in hidden source could have been used as an example for this... with the first announcement of the "war" between the Fyros and Marauders Hidden Source (and maybe the Savage Dunes as well) could have been made the same type of PvP region as the Umbra/Nexus.
Yes, it would have made tracks harder for a while but there's a RP reason for it and the PvPers would have a big region that's very much used to get some non-PvPers to try it out.
After the event the region(s) would be back to normal of course.

Some other things that could be done to promote PvP would be the following:
1) Finally implement the spires that were announced a long time ago (the concept doesn't contradict my points above) and it might lead to some additional RPers using the flag because they don't want faction X in their region. But balancing has to be kept in mind regarding teleport-restricions.
2) add new regions that are PvP only (should have happened together with the introduction of the kitin nest though as that's a nice PvE region to maintain the balance)


#51 [en] 

Jarnys (atys)
Here's how the suggestion could be modified to make it more PvE friendly:
Make only a single or few regions forced PvP for a predetermined time.
The last event in hidden source could have been used as an example for this... with the first announcement of the "war" between the Fyros and Marauders Hidden Source (and maybe the Savage Dunes as well) could have been made the same type of PvP region as the Umbra/Nexus.
Yes, it would have made tracks harder for a while but there's a RP reason for it and the PvPers would have a big region that's very much used to get some non-PvPers to try it out.
After the event the region(s) would be back to normal of course.

Unless the event is very short like a day, I wouldn't say that's a great idea.

If people want to try out PvP they can always flag for it.

But my experience of these kinds of discussions (in other forums) is that PvPers don't tend to be that flexible, the more targets the better where they're concerned.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Avvy (il y a 1 décénie).

#52 [en] 

Continued from my last post as it's not letting me post too much. (moderator limiting post maybe?)

PvEers (RP and not) can occupy themselves with the game content, the problem for PvPers is that they need other player characters to kill which is why they usually prefer everyone to be PvP.

Dernière édition par Avvy (il y a 1 décénie).

#53 [en] 

Avvy (atys)
Continued from my last post as it's not letting me post too much. (moderator limiting post maybe?)

off topic: if you use the ingame client for the forums then you are limited in the amount of text you can post, using the out of game website you aren't


#54 [en] 

Avvy (atys)
Jarnys (atys)
Here's how the suggestion could be modified to make it more PvE friendly:
Make only a single or few regions forced PvP for a predetermined time.
The last event in hidden source could have been used as an example for this... with the first announcement of the "war" between the Fyros and Marauders Hidden Source (and maybe the Savage Dunes as well) could have been made the same type of PvP region as the Umbra/Nexus.
Yes, it would have made tracks harder for a while but there's a RP reason for it and the PvPers would have a big region that's very much used to get some non-PvPers to try it out.
After the event the region(s) would be back to normal of course.

Unless the event is very short like a day, I wouldn't say that's a great idea.

If people want to try out PvP they can always flag for it.

But my experience of these kinds of discussions (in other forums) is that PvPers don't tend to be that flexible, the more targets the better where they're concerned.

The Announcement was 48hrs before the start of the fight so my proposal above would have led to the region(s) being forced PvP for ~50hrs which IMHO is still tolerable.

(PS: You should fix the quote in your post - a ] is missing)

Dernière édition par Jarnys (il y a 1 décénie).


#55 [en] 

Suboxide (atys)
Avvy (atys)
Continued from my last post as it's not letting me post too much. (moderator limiting post maybe?)

off topic: if you use the ingame client for the forums then you are limited in the amount of text you can post, using the out of game website you aren't

Ok thanks, wasn't aware of that.
Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 15:41:53 UTC

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