
#283 Reporter | Citer[en] 

well, just offering up ideas to help the game while still preserving levels.

#284 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Personally i prefer a full wipe to a "partial" wipe. If we cant keep everything lets just start from scratch. There are many players who have invested most of their time in acquiring stuff rather than leveling and would be unfair to them to wipe items only.

Dernière édition par Zyeir (il y a 1 décénie).

#285 Reporter | Citer[en] 

yup finally came to grips with full wipe idea (took me some days), it might be fun actually building something new. All 3 servers joining are quite different so all starting out equal might bring is closer.


#286 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Source of revenue from the most probable to the most hypothetical:
- Subscription
- Pay to win (P2W) model for subscribers
- Shop items/microtransaction for "almost compulsory" items: non killable mount, housing etc...
- Shop items/microtransactions for cosmetic items (make up, furniture, armours and weapons decorations): this brings a small but constant revenue
- Shop to win model with P2W for the buyers
- Adverts and/or alliance to advert another game
- Guild registration fee / Guild rental fee
- Extra voluntary subscriptions
- Find an editor/a financing angel
- Possibility for the players to participate to the capital of Winch Gate Property Limited (capital increase ?)
- Bank robbery/Scam (count me out)

#287 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hello guys,

I don't like the idea of the full wipe. Everything gone, end of game. A new game will start... I thought about it, but I don't want to start a new game. I'm not one of the players who have played for years. I played "just" for 8 months so far, but I like my current progress, even if I am still far from having mastered anything. I want to go on where I am now and not being thrown back to the beginning and starting from scratch again.

And btw., playing alongside veteran players has never been a problem for me.

So after thinking well about it, it's pretty clear for me: if my toon gets deleted (with skills and everything), that's the end of my game.

It would be ok for me to have dappers reset to zero and apartment as well as mektoubs cleared. No problem at all...

So I keep on playing for now and will see what happens then. If they really do the wipe, I'll go, too. So just in case: bye folks, it was a great time with you. They can wipe toons, but not memories :)


#288 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I consider myself a veteran, although I started at christmas -06. I don't like the thought of having my main character eradicated. I put much time and effort during the years, except this and perhaps last year. RL has made it harder to play, and I lost some interest as well, but it doesn't mean I won't sit and be quiet about this. Merge servers? Sure. Wipe characters? No, thanks. (well, I only care about my main, and perhaps my other "main" on my other account) I think I have like 6-7 alts in total on 2 accounts. Most being lowlevels (except 2-3) My main got 10+ masters, and even if it was fun getting them, I won't do it again. I don't care so much about the dappers and stuff, they can be regained later.
If the wipe is executed, then I probably won't bother too much with the game, but I will at least make one f2p account to check it out. (It was my first mmo, so got some affection to it)

/Uatu -Atys Ghosts-

#289 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Been thinking about the skill whipe over and over. i think without the wipe there might be a very hostile and unreal start after the merge. Competition for mats will be off the chart, with so many coming in with nothing but refugee gear.

#290 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Been thinking about the skill whipe over and over. i think without the wipe there might be a very hostile and unreal start after the merge. Competition for mats will be off the chart, with so many coming in with nothing but refugee gear.

Ya, a wipe will be awesome for that since itll just be you and like 3 other people on the server. :) Course thats after you level your digging again.



#291 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Well all of GoJ are planning to return after full wipe so he won't be alone


#292 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Well all of GoJ are planning to return after full wipe so he won't be alone

Good for you.

To be honest. Im very annoyed at anyone who would return and put time into the game. You are sending a message to the company that they can do and get away with anything they want. That they can treat their paying customers like trash and that that is OK.

I think its absolutely aweful. Just my opinion.



#293 Reporter | Citer[en] 

That is an opinion, Tgwaste, but kindly respect the other side. Some love the game so much that they want to go on. Others are just curious and have paid for a couple of months, anyway. And don't dream about refund. Any MMO excludes refund, even in case of server shutdown.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#294 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Been thinking about the skill whipe over and over. i think without the wipe there might be a very hostile and unreal start after the merge. Competition for mats will be off the chart, with so many coming in with nothing but refugee gear.

Ya, a wipe will be awesome for that since itll just be you and like 3 other people on the server. :) Course thats after you level your digging again.

I made lot of friends while grinding forage my friend. One of them is you :)
I care about atys more then my masters, just so you understand.
Advertising doom visions will not aid to playerbase at all.

If the skills get whiped, then ask yourself what made you come back every day.
Then decide if you want to leave that all behind you.

Most people i spoken will be back, with or without skill.
They have the spirit that keeps atys alive.

#295 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Well all of GoJ are planning to return after full wipe so he won't be alone

Good for you.

To be honest. Im very annoyed at anyone who would return and put time into the game.

Wow, that is a very selfish attitude. Just because you can't find a reason to enjoy the game if there is a full wipe, you want everyone to join in your misery.
You are sending a message to the company that they can do and get away with anything they want. That they can treat their paying customers like trash and that that is OK.

I think its absolutely aweful. Just my opinion.
Really, treating us like trash? They gave us 15 days notice of the intended change, they could have waited until the 22nd. They did what they could to soften the loss of skills by increasing XP for subscribes to 2x. They scheduled events to help with the transition.

Then they listened to the customer dismay at the loss of skills and started considering ways to save skill levels.

I don't feel like trash at all, I feel like the company came to a crossroads and mapped out the best transition they could. Then, when they saw the impact of that map, they started looking at alternatives.

Also, the idea of starting from scratch is appealing in its own way and am seriously considering retiring Gorran regardless of the outcome of the wipe.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#296 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Been thinking about the skill whipe over and over. i think without the wipe there might be a very hostile and unreal start after the merge. Competition for mats will be off the chart, with so many coming in with nothing but refugee gear.

Ya, a wipe will be awesome for that since itll just be you and like 3 other people on the server. :) Course thats after you level your digging again.

I made lot of friends while grinding forage my friend. One of them is you :)
I care about atys more then my masters, just so you understand.
Advertising doom visions will not aid to playerbase at all.

If the skills get whiped, then ask yourself what made you come back every day.
Then decide if you want to leave that all behind you.

Most people i spoken will be back, with or without skill.
They have the spirit that keeps atys alive.

I may be coming off like I dont understand this but I assure you I do. I wake up every morning now and instead of doing my faction run, I just get sad at this. I love Atys and I love the community but unfortunately there are some things that are not forgivable and one is a companies utter lack of respect for its paying customers.

I could love eating breakfast with a bunch of people every week at a nice restuarant but if the wait staff spit in my food I would no longer eat there. :)

I am not without Hope however. I hope they figure something out to better accomidate this. Personally I only care about the levels. If we keep those I will be back and sub for years to come. With our levels we can atleast reequip everyone very quickly and be back in business. Sucks about the other equiptment but if they can save the levels why cant they save it all?

I <3 u mag. you complete me.




#297 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Well all of GoJ are planning to return after full wipe so he won't be alone

Good for you.

To be honest. Im very annoyed at anyone who would return and put time into the game.

Wow, that is a very selfish attitude. Just because you can't find a reason to enjoy the game if there is a full wipe, you want everyone to join in your misery.
You are sending a message to the company that they can do and get away with anything they want. That they can treat their paying customers like trash and that that is OK.

I think its absolutely aweful. Just my opinion.
Really, treating us like trash? They gave us 15 days notice of the intended change, they could have waited until the 22nd. They did what they could to soften the loss of skills by increasing XP for subscribes to 2x. They scheduled events to help with the transition.

Then they listened to the customer dismay at the loss of skills and started considering ways to save skill levels.

I don't feel like trash at all, I feel like the company came to a crossroads and mapped out the best transition they could. Then, when they saw the impact of that map, they started looking at alternatives.

Also, the idea of starting from scratch is appealing in its own way and am seriously considering retiring Gorran regardless of the outcome of the wipe.

I have not called anyone any names or made personal insults. Maybe you could at least do the same?
We are all frustrated but Im hardly selfish. I subbed for a year after only playing for 2 months to support this game and its community.

Regarding the other argument:

<WG> we have to wipe you there is no other way
*users complain*
<WG> well maybe we dont..

that doesnt strike you as peculiar? really?? Sounds like someone wanted to pull a fast one and now thinks they can no longer get away with it.. but maybe im crazy.


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